Avigon specialists

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mgr Tatiana Ryczko

Coach, Mediator, Speaker, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Self-presentation, Dyslexia, Communication competence, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Profile brand, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł

Jestem coachem, mediatorem i nauczycielem w jednej osobie. Od wielu lat pracuję z ludźmi i jednego się nauczyłam. Każdy z nas jest inny i każdy z nas jest wyjątkowy. Jestem otwarta na drugiego człowieka, a pomaganie sprawia mi ogromną radość.

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dr Melania Orzechowska

Mentor, Pedagogue, Career counselor, Master Reiss Motivation Profile, Master Reiss School Motivation Profile

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Educational kinesiology, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Dyslexia, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Stress
Price list: 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Master Reiss Motivation Profile, Trainer, Career Adviser

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mgr Aleksandra Strączek

Dietician, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Allergies, Diabetes, Hyperlipidaemia, Insulin resistance, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease)
Price list: 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Moja praca jest efektem osobistych doświadczeń, pasji oraz zainteresowania zdrowym stylem życia. Od wielu lat pomagam moim klientom zmieniać nawyki żywieniowe, pokonywać schorzenia dieto-zależne oraz zachować młody wygląd. Specjalizuję się w problematyce żywienia w chorobach tarczycy, zaburzeniach metabolicznych, schorzeniach dieto-zależnych.

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mgr Renata Zgrzywa

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Pedagogue, Career counselor

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy
Help Areas:Hypochondria, Anxiety - neurosis, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Stress, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, psychoterapeutą oraz pedagogiem. Mam wysokie kwalifikacje i cechy osobowości sprzyjające wykonywaniu tego zawodu: odpowiedzialność, dużą wrażliwość, cierpliwość, odporność na stres. Jest we mnie dużo empatii, ciepła i zrozumienia, szybko nawiązuję relację z innymi osobami.

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mgr Natalia Ryńska

Psychologist, Coach, Mentor, Business psychologist, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Communication competence, Business communication, Personal brand, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Personal development, Self-realization, Profile brand, Career management, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 350,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł

Moim zawodowym celem jest inspirowanie innych kobiet do zmiany życia na lepsze. Odkrywając swoje umiejętności, pasje i pragnienia, poznajemy siebie i swoje możliwości, a tym samym zaczynamy darzyć siebie większym szacunkiem. Wzrasta poczucie naszej wartości, a tego niestety brakuje kobietom...
Dzięki współpracy ze mną:
- lepiej poznasz siebie i odkryjesz w sobie moc sprawczą

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mgr Krystyna Kornas

Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Mentor, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Schema therapy, Couples therapy, Existential therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Bulimia, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Career management, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 600,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 250,00 zł

Jestem psychoterapeutą w nurcie humanistyczno-egzystencjalnym.

Wspieram w radzeniu sobie ze stresem, transformowaniu blokad emocjonalnych i natłoku negatywnych myśli, samokrytycyzmu i braku pewności siebie, aby odzyskać wiarę w siebie i w swoje możliwości, wzmocnić poczucie wartości oraz spełniać się w życiu – prywatnie i zawodowo.

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mgr Aleksandra Przeniosło-Kubiak

Psychologist, Support package, for Santander Bank Polska, Therapist, Adolescent Psychologist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Transsexualism, Alcoholic disease, Profile brand, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem pracującym na co dzień z młodzieżą i osobami dorosłymi. Należę do tych szczęśliwych ludzi, którzy ze swojej pasji uczynili życie zawodowe. W ramach indywidualnych sesji udzielam wsparcia, towarzyszę ludziom w ich procesach zmiany i odkrywaniu siebie. Praca z drugim człowiekiem stanowi zawsze dla mnie nowe wyzwanie i wspaniałą przygodę.

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spec. Piotr Bochański

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Existential therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Allergies, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Autism, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Orphan disease, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Decrease in performance and immunity, Tics, Alcoholic disease, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Voracity, Mourning, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 45min  ‑ 190,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

I have the title of expert witness in the field of psychology. I deal with psychological therapy, diagnosis and opinions. Provides opinions in family and divorce matters; medical and jurisprudence. I carry out tests of parental competences regarding personality predispositions and parenting competences.

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mgr Wojciech Kopytek

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Mentor, Child psychologist, Pedagogue

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Alcoholic disease, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Stress, Addiction, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Wojciech Igor Kopytek is a Skierniewice-based psychologist specializing in crisis intervention, psychotraumatology, cross - cultural psychology, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) . Wojciech received a broad education. He completed his Master studies in psychology & political marketing.

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mgr Małgorzata Brzychcy


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Insomnia, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anxiety - neurosis, Migraine, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Violence, Divorce, Loneliness, Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Stress, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł

Jestem dyplomowanym psychoterapeutą. Ukończyłam studia pedagogiczne na Uniwersytecie Zielonogórskim oraz Czteroletnie Studium Psychoterapii we Wrocławiu. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywałam w Poradni Zdrowia Psychicznego Polikliniki MSWiA w Zielonej Górze.

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mgr Radosław Kabut

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Alzheimer's disease, Self-presentation, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Dyslexia, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Mobbing, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems with memory, Violence, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł

Hej! Nazywam się Radek.

Jestem absolwentem jednolitych studiów magisterskich z psychologii na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim oraz psychoterapeutą w trakcie certyfikacji w zakresie psychoterapii poznawczo-behawioralnej w akredytowanej szkole psychoterapii "Tercognitiva" w Krakowie.

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mgr Aleksandra Mroczko

Coach, Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Decrease in performance and immunity, Stress
Price list: 1h  ‑ 275,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 385,00 zł

Wierzę, że harmonia jest stanem najbardziej sprzyjającym temu, co nazywamy szczęściem. Towarzyszę w osiąganiu jej poprzez coaching i szkolenia. Z wykształcenia jestem psychologiem, akredytowanym coachem. Na swoim koncie mam kilka tysięcy godzin pracy indywidualnej i grupowej oraz niejeden z sukcesem rozpoczęty biznes.

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mgr Paulina Sołtysiak

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Dietician, Psychodietician, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Mania, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Voracity, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome
Price list: 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Zawodowo zajmuję się psychoterapią zaburzeń psychicznych i zaburzeń osobowości. Pomagam również kształtować zdrowe nawyki żywieniowe.

W mojej pracy szczególne miejsce zajmują zaburzenia odżywiania, w których najsilniej zaznacza się wzajemna zależność między tym, jak się czujemy, a tym, co, jak i ile jemy.

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mgr Edward Jakubowicz

Therapist, Mediator, Pedagogue, Addiction therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Couples therapy, Gestalt therapy, Systemic therapy, Addiction therapy, Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Bulimia, Alcoholic disease, Depression, Adolescence, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Anxiety - neurosis, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Stress, Addiction, Codependency, Eating disorders, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł

Jestem pedagogiem resocjalizacji, absolwentem Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. M. Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie.

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mgr Jakub Rataj

Psychologist, Coach, Mentor, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Phobias, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Divorce, Self-realization, Loneliness, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 1h  ‑ 160,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem i coachem.

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mgr Oliwia Pogodzińska

Psychologist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Adolescence, FOMO (fear of missing out), Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Transsexualism, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, absolwentką społecznej psychologii klinicznej Uniwersytetu Humanistycznospołecznego SPWS oraz Międzywydziałowego Studium Pedagogicznego SWPS. Ukończyłam kurs I stopnia Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach i dalej szkolę się w tym podejściu. Od 2014 roku pracuję w Fundacji Dajemy Dzieciom siłę jako specjalistka ds.

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mgr Barbara Kozicka

Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist, Mediator, Pedagogue, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Addiction therapy, Couples therapy, Gestalt therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Schizophrenia, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Jestem pedagogiem resocjalizacji, certyfikowanym specjalistą terapii uzależnień i psychoterapeutą systemowym. Ukończyłam Podyplomowe Studium Socjoterapii oraz szkolenie z mediacji sądowych. Jako kotrener współprowadziłam szkolenia umiejętności społecznych dla nauczycieli, wychowawców i rodzin zastępczych.

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mgr Agnieszka Kolbowska

Dietician, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:ADHD, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Phobias, Anxiety - neurosis, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Stress, Eating disorders
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

I am a psychotherapist, addiction therapist, and dietician.
I work mainly in the cognitive-behavioral way (CBT), also use tools and methods of process-oriented psychology (POP). I deal with emotional causes and mechanisms leading to unwanted symptoms and work on a permanent change of onerous behaviors, thoughts, emotions, and states.

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dr Piotr Modzelewski

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Pedagogue

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Adoption, Aggression, Self-presentation, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Communication in life, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Nicotine addiction, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Szanowni Państwo, jestem psychologiem, terapeutą terapii skoncentrowanej na rozwiązaniach (TSR) i autorem trzech popularnych książek samopomocowych z dziedziny psychologii: "Wstań. Stres, lęk i depresja a styl życia", "Prokrastynacja. Odłóż odkładanie na zawsze" oraz "Pokonaj odwlekanie. Rozwiń wytrwałość".

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mgr Monika Sroka-Ossowska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mediator, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, TEAMCBT, Addiction therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, Aspociality, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 175,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 230,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 115,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 110,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 185,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 640,00 zł

Sprawy codzienne Cię przytłaczają? Tkwisz w toksycznym związku? Konflikty z innymi niszczą Cię "od środka"? Ciągły lęk nie pozwala Ci cieszyć się życiem? Stoisz przed podjęciem ważnej decyzji? Chcesz coś w swoim życiu zmienić, ale boisz się konsekwencji? Masz trudności z przemieszczaniem się lub mieszkasz za granicą?

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mgr Elwira Chruściel

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Therapist, Mediator, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, EMDR, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Orphan disease, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication in life, Mania, Personal brand, Migraine, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Transsexualism, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Doświadczasz trudności w życiu codziennym? Nie radzisz sobie z emocjami? Chcesz lepiej radzić sobie ze stresem? Zmagasz się z uzależnieniem? Wykańczają Cię ciągłe wątpliwości? Terapia jest rozwiązaniem!

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Specialist avatar

mgr Jakub Wasz


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Phobias, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Tics, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł

Witam serdecznie. Jestem psychologiem chrześcijańskim, absolwentem Szkoły Wyższej Psychologii Społecznej o specjalności "Interwencja kryzysowa" oraz "Psychologia twórczości". Ukończyłem również studia na kierunku "Seksuologia kliniczna" i szkolenie z "Terapii krótkoterminowej skoncentrowanej na rozwiązaniach".

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mgr Joanna Asman

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Support package, Career counselor, Speaker, Trainer, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, TEAMCBT, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Leadership, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Career management, Mourning, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 350,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Psychologist, therapist, coach.

"Happiness is the highest form of health (Dalai Lama)."

I strongly believe that prevention is better than cure. Taking care of our mental health is like taking care of our dental hygiene. When all is good, the whole body works better and we can fully enjoy our life and relations.

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mgr Magdalena B.

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Business psychologist, Child psychologist, Career counselor

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Autism, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Loneliness, Mental disorders, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 50,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł

I graduated with honors from Master's Degree in Psychology (2012) and Sociology (2010). I have a second Master's Degree in Cognitive Sciences (2016) from University of Aarhus in Denmark (top 100 best universities in the world).

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mgr Sylwia Rusinowicz

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Support package, Mediator, Crisis intervention, Business psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Psychotraumatolog, Therapist, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Mania, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 240,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 140,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 650,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł


See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Izabela Sewielska

Psychologist, Support package, Mentor, Career counselor, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Adolescence, Communication competence, Communication in life, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Leadership, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Burnout, Sleep disturbance, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 160,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 230,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 300,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, praktykiem dialogu motywującego, a także trenerem umiejętności społecznych. Udzielam wsparcia psychologicznego osobom, które znajdują się w trudnym momencie swojego życia, przeżywają kryzys. Moją misją jest wspieranie ludzi w odkrywaniu swojego potencjału i pomoc w dążeniu do dobrego życia.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Daniel Ryszard Masłowski

Psychologist, Therapist, Mediator, Child psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Pedagogue, Career counselor

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Educational kinesiology, Behavioral therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Cognitive therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Structural therapy, Addiction therapy, Other
Help Areas:ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Autism, Alcoholic disease, Orphan disease, Cancers, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Depression, Dyslexia, Phobias, Anxiety - neurosis, Mobbing, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Stress, Transsexualism, Addiction, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 220,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł

Daniel Masłowski - psycholog, pedagog, terapeuta.
Ukończyłem Psychologię Kliniczną na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Poznaniu, Pedagogikę (praca socjalna i resocjalizacja) na Akademii Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Łodzi.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Mariusz Lorenc

Psychologist, Dietician, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Thyroid disease, Diabetes, Ailments associated with digestion, Hyperlipidaemia, Insulin resistance, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Food intolerances, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity
Price list: 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 400,00 zł

Pierwsza wizyta służy zebraniu wywiadu i poznaniu pacjenta, pierwsza wizyta nie służy do edukowania żywieniowego, nie zawiera analizy badań laboratoryjnych są to usługi dodatkowo płatne.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Monika Stasiak-Wieczorek

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Mentor, Clinical psychologist, Pedagogue

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Business communication, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Divorce, Personal development, Loneliness, Gastrointestinal diseases, Loss of a loved one , Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem o specjalności kliniczna i zdrowia, specjalistą zdrowia publicznego oraz pedagogiem.
Jestem członkiem Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego oraz Członkiem Polskiego Towarzystwa Terapii Poznawczo-Behawioralnej.
Jestem również Biegłym Sądowym ds. alkoholowych.

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Marek Błądek

Coach, Support package, Mentor, Business psychologist, Career counselor

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Phobias, Anxiety - neurosis, Mobbing, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Divorce, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Stress, Addiction, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł

Mentor, life and business coach, consultant, lecturer at MBA studies at Łazarski University
I had graduate coaching at the SET Academy nad as well NLP practitioner and master.
I have nearly 2,200 hours of coaching behind me, including over 1,000 hours of business coaching.

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Specialist avatar

dr Ewa Danuta Bialek

Coach, Mentor

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Depression, Stress, Allergies, Orphan disease, Thyroid disease, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Migraine, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 500,00 zł

Ewa Danuta Bialek Ph.D - .longitudinal scientist in the field of medicine (doctoral dissertation in immunology, specialization in clinical diagnosis).

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Specialist avatar

mgr Patrycja Sawicka - Sikora

Psychologist, Coach, Business psychologist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:TEAMCBT, Other
Help Areas:Stress, Workaholism, Burnout, Career management
Price list: 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 280,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 260,00 zł

Specjalizuje się w pracy w OBSZARZE WYPALENIA ZAWODOWEGO.
Pracuję w oparciu o wyniki najnowsze badań naukowych z wykorzystaniem narzędzi coachingowych i własną metodologię.

Podczas SESJI z moimi klientami identyfikujemy obszary wypalania się w pracy, przywracamy energię do działania i odnajdujemy dostęp do FLOW w pracy.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Marcin Żekoński

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Therapist, Mediator, Crisis intervention

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Cognitive therapy, Couples therapy, Hypnotherapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Addiction, Adoption, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Mania, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Schizophrenia, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Emotional disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem z doświadczeniem w pracy z osobami dorosłymi doznającymi kryzysu psychicznego. Prowadzę diagnozę i terapię pacjentów m.in. ze schizofrenią, Chorobą Afektywną Dwubiegunową, z zaburzeniami lękowymi, depresją czy zaburzeniami osobowości. Współpracowałem z Centrum Psychiatrii im. K.

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Magdalena Durska

Therapist, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Bulimia, Hypochondria, Migraine, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Codependency, Eating disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Proszenie o pomoc, wsparcie często kojarzone jest ze słabością. Myślę jednak, że jest to ogromna odwaga, przyznać się samemu przed sobą, że coś jest dla mnie trudne, że doświadczam trudnych emocji, że nie radzę sobie z nawracającymi myślami, że wszystkiego jest za dużo, za ciężko. Kaliber problemu nie ma tutaj żadnego znaczenia.

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Ewa Wojtalewicz

Psychologist, Business psychologist, Career counselor, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Alcoholism, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 75,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Everyone experiences mental pain at some point in their lives. Since you are reading this, you are most likely struggling with stress, anxiety, depression or you are not coping in everyday life and you are suffering a lot. Mental pain and suffering are part and parcel of human life and we all have to face them. Many come out of this battle victorious and so can you.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Aleksandra Gąbka

Support package, for Santander Bank Polska, Dietician, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Allergies, Arthralgia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Kidney disease, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Diabetes, Ailments associated with digestion, Hyperlipidaemia, Insulin resistance, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Food intolerances, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Hormonal disorders, Polycystic ovary syndrome
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Doświadczenie kliniczne w Przychodni Specjalistycznej przy Uniwersyteckim Szpitalu Klinicznym we Wrocławiu. Jestem absolwentką Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu oraz Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach. Praktykę zawodową doskonaliłam również podczas stażu zagranicznego na Uniwersytecie św. Pawła w Madrycie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Dorota Nowacka

Psychologist, Support package, Therapist, Crisis intervention, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Psychotraumatolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Communication in life, Mobbing, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, arteterapeutą, ukończyłam studia i uzyskałam tytuł magistra psychologii na Wydziale Zamiejscowym w Sopocie, Uniwersytetu SWPS w Warszawie. Jestem absolwentką studiów podyplomowych Psychologia Transportu i Psychotraumatologia na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim i Arteterapii w Gdańskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym.

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Pietrzykowska

Coach, Mentor, Speaker, Trainer, Crisis coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Stress, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Burnout, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Certyfikowany Coach/ Mentor Kryzysowy (nr certyfikatu: CMK2/04/IPTK/2021) przez Polskie Towarzystwo Interwencji i Coachingu Kryzysowego. Specjalizuję się w pracy z osobami będącymi w kryzysach relacji partnerskich, małżeńskich. Pomagam tym osobom odnaleźć swoje wewnętrzne moce w trudnym czasie jakim są rozstania czy rozwody.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Sonia Buchwald

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Anorexia, Bulimia, Adolescence, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication in life, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Gastrointestinal diseases, Codependency, Eating disorders, Sanity
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem z pasji i z wykształcenia. Pracuję z osobami w kryzysie, rodzicami, młodzieżą, również z osobami niedostosowanymi społecznie oraz niepełnosprawnymi.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Grzegorz Michał Mueller


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Affective disorder, Alcoholic disease, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Anxiety - neurosis, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Psychosis, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Decrease in performance and immunity, Stress, Addiction, Nicotine addiction, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł

Po próbie podjęcia badań na froncie nauki zostałem mężem i ojcem i kiedy koledzy z seminarium doktoranckiego zostawali profesorami UJ ja "roztrwaniałem" wysokiej jakości wiedzę pomagając ludziom. Moje ówczesne usiłowania dołączenia do grona psychologów klinicznych Zjednoczonego Królestwa oznaczały zdobycie doświadczeń z wszystkimi grupami wiekowymi i wszystkimi rodzajami zaburzeń.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Dagmara Glapa

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Child psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Cognitive therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Anorexia, Autism, Insomnia, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Cancers, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Migraine, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Stress, Tics, Addiction, Nicotine addiction, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Dagmara Glapa
Psycholog, psycholog transportu, psychoterapeuta poznawczo-behawioralny

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Specialist avatar

mgr Barbara Wróblewska

Psychologist, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Shyness, Stress, Skin diseases, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Mobbing, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sleep disturbance, Career management, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł

Ukończyłam jednolite studia magisterskie na kierunku psychologia, specjalność psychologia kliniczna i zdrowia oraz studia podyplomowe psychologia transportu z elementami psychodiagnostyki. Psychologia jest moją pasją, dlatego pomimo wybrania jako pierwszego zupełnie innego kierunku studiów, postanowiłam podążać za swoimi marzeniami i zmienić całkowicie moją ścieżkę zawodową.

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Ewa Cisło

Psychologist, Coach, Support package, Mentor, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Psychodietician, Therapist, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Personal brand, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 240,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Masz poczucie, że rzeczy w Twoim życiu układają się nie tak, jakbyś chciała lub chciał? Nie masz jednak pomysłu, jak wprowadzić zmiany, żeby były skuteczne, a jednocześnie nie obciążyły Cię za bardzo? Może ostatnio nie dogadujesz się z partnerem lub dzieckiem albo szefem? Nawał pracy Cię przytłacza? Masz wrażenie, jakby życie stało się cięższe? Porozmawiajmy!

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Urszula Kruczkowska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Support package, Therapist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Phobias, Mania, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Counselling and CBT Practitioner

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Roman Grudzień

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Psychogerontolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Low self-esteem, Problems with memory, Personal development, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Behavioural disorders, Sanity
Price list: 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem oraz psychoterapeutą integratywnym. Ukończyłem Wydział Psychologii na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim, a wiedzę praktyczną i merytoryczną uzupełniam uczestnicząc w 4-letnim kursie psychoterapii w Szkole Psychoterapii Gestalt (nurtu terapii humanistyczno - doświadczeniowej) Ośrodka Edukacji Psychologicznej we Wrocławiu.

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Weronika Loch

Psychologist, Therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Educational kinesiology, Cognitive therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Other
Help Areas:Thyroid disease, Depression, Adolescence, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems with memory, Self-realization, Loneliness, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Mental disorders, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 90,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem z przygotowaniem pedagogicznym, a także członkiem WTTS w Poznaniu.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Anna Roś

Coach, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Gestalt therapy, Systemic therapy
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Self-realization, Loneliness, Stress, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł

Nazywam się Anna Roś, dyplomowany coach ICF (International Coach Federation). Pracuję jako coach, bo to moja największa pasja zawodowa. Realizuję dzięki coachingowi moją potrzebę i wartość jaką jest pomaganie innym. Wkładam, w swoja pracę całe swoje serce. Mogę powiedzieć o sobie, że jestem coachem z pasją i misją pomagania ludziom. Jestem coachem z empatią i serdecznością.

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Radosław Kopczyński

Psychologist, Addiction therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Addiction therapy, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Aggression, Alcoholism, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Suicidal thoughts, Psychosis, Self-mutilation, Schizophrenia, Toxic relationship, Codependency, Mental disorders
Price list: 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł

Szanowni Państwo,
jako psycholog, który niejedno w życiu przeżył uważam, że najważniejsze jest empatyczne podejście do Klienta. Profesjonalizm profesjonalizmem,

See profile

Specialist avatar

mgr Beata Brzostek

Pedagogue, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Autism, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 140,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 140,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 140,00 zł

Jestem terapeutą, mgr pedagogiki w trakcie studiów magisterskich z psychologii o kierunku klinicznym. Specjalizuje się w rozwoju osobistym. Towarzyszę klientowi w poszukiwaniu jego własnej drogi życiowej, ustaleniu priorytetów, celów do których chce on dążyć.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Elżbieta Agnieszka Oleksiak

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Mediator, Pedagogue, Psychotraumatolog, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Structural therapy, Cognitive therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Anorexia, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Anorexia nervous, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Transsexualism, Eating disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Nazywam się Elżbieta Agnieszka Oleksiak. Jestem pedagogiem, psychologiem, interwentem kryzysowym i psychotraumatologiem oraz ukończyłam szkolenie z coachingu.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agata Pacura

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, Psychoanalysis
Help Areas:Aggression, Anorexia, Insomnia, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Skin diseases, Diabetes, Depression, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Anxiety - neurosis, Mobbing, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Gastrointestinal diseases, Sexoholism, Stress, Tics, Transsexualism, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Umysł potrzebuje prawdy emocjonalnej tak jak organizm pożywienia. Gdy jej brakuje, umysł zaczyna
— Wilfred Bion

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Specialist avatar

mgr Maria Łucjan


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Anorexia, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Phobias, Anxiety - neurosis, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Stress, Tics, Eating disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł

Mam na imię Maria Łucjan i jestem psychologiem, terapeutą Integracji Sensorycznej oraz Trenerem Umiejętności Społecznych.
Pracuję z dziećmi, młodzieżą, młodymi dorosłymi i ich rodzinami.
W swojej pracy opieram się na zasobach, mocnych stronach klienta i jego rodziny. Nie pytam "czego się boisz", tylko "czego potrzebujesz, aby mieć odwagę".

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Specialist avatar

mgr Joanna Muszak-Rozkrut

Coach, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Mentor, Business psychologist, Addiction therapist, Career counselor, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Gestalt therapy, Systemic therapy
Help Areas:Adoption, Insomnia, Adolescence, Anxiety - neurosis, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Violence, Divorce, Loneliness, Stress, Addiction, Eating disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem absolwentką psychologii certyfikowanym coachem , terapeutą Racjonalnej Terapii Zachowań, terapeutą Solution Focused Brief Therapy. Obecnie jestem na drodze do certyfikatu Katowickiego Instytutu Psychoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologów i Psychoterapeutów w nurcie Systemowo – Ericksonowskim.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Filip Olejniczak

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Child psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Behavioral therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Systemic therapy
Help Areas:ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Autism, Insomnia, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Alzheimer's disease, Orphan disease, Cancers, Skin diseases, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Dyslexia, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Migraine, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Shyness, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Gastrointestinal diseases, Sexoholism, Decrease in performance and immunity, Stress, Tics, Nicotine addiction, Hormonal disorders, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 50,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 75,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, psychoterapeutą od 2013 roku pracującym zarówno z osobami dorosłymi jak i z młodzieżą. Ukończyłem studia magisterskie w kierunku psychologii na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim im. Jana Pawła II by kontynuować naukę z zakresu psychoterapii w Medycznym Centrum Kształcenia Podyplomowego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i Katedrze Psychoterapii UJ CM.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Alina Sworowska-Matysik

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Child psychologist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Other
Help Areas:ADHD, Aggression, Anorexia, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Anxiety - neurosis, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Stress, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 110,00 zł

Swoją pracę w zawodzie psychologa rozpoczęłam w roku 1992 w Poradni Psychologiczno - Pedagogicznej, gdzie pracuję do dnia dzisiejszego. Oprucz tego zatrudniona jestem nadal od 10 lat w Poradni Zdrowia Psychicznego, na Oddziale Psychiatrycznym Dziennym i wcześniej także Oddziale Dziennym Leczenia Nerwic.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Piotr KURAŚ

Addiction therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Addiction, Alcoholism, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Compulsive buying disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Piotr Kuraś – dyplomowany terapeuta, założyciel Ogólnopolskiego Centrum Profilaktyki.

Jestem Certyfikowanym Specjalistą Psychoterapii Uzależnień.

Pracuję w nurcie integracyjnym.

Posiadam Dyplom ukończonego szkolenia w zakresie Specjalisty Psychoterapii Uzależnień i Współuzależnienia IPZ Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Magdalena Adamowicz

Coach, Mentor, Speaker, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Violence, Divorce, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Codependency, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 1h  ‑ 500,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 650,00 zł

As Life&Relationship Coach I mainly work in area of toxic relationships.
I give thorough support to people who have experienced manipulation, violence and want to set the free from a toxic relationship or want to learn how to deal with toxic people in their life.

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Specialist avatar

dr Michał Wereszczyński

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Assertiveness, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Mania, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Trauma, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł

Zdaję sobie sprawę jak trudne może być proszenie o pomoc- w szczególności kiedy zdaje się nam, że sytuacja w której się znaleźliśmy jest bez wyjścia a my jesteśmy pozostawieni wobec niej zupełnie sami. W związku z tym, niezależnie od powodu z jakiego tutaj jesteś, pragnę wyrazić uznanie dla twojej decyzji o zadbaniu o siebie i swoje zdrowie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Tomasz Cebula

Psychologist, Therapist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Aggression, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Dementia, Problems with memory, Psychosis
Price list: 1h  ‑ 85,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 85,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem specjalności klinicznej, ukończyłem jednolite studia magisterskie na Uniwersytecie Humanistycznospołecznym SWPS oraz studia podyplomowe z zakresu psychologii transportu. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywałem m.i.n w Zakładzie Opiekuńczo Leczniczym w Śremie, Wielkopolskim Stowarzyszeniu Alzheimerowskim oraz jako psycholog interwent w OPS i PZPR na terenie Wielkopolski.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Marta Dubowska

Coach, Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Violence, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Stress, Mental disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 50,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Pomagam osobom:

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Specialist avatar

mgr Aleksandra Miklaszewska

Psychologist, Sexologist, Coach, Therapist, Mediator, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Addiction therapist, Career counselor, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Educational kinesiology, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Affective disorder, Orphan disease, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Stress, Transsexualism, Addiction, Mental disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 0,00 zł

Psycholog z uprawnieniami pedagogicznymi, instruktor terapii uzależnień, mediator, terapeuta rodzin i par, terapeuta seksuolog, certyfikowany trener II stopnia (trener treningu interpersonalnego). Uczestniczka wielu szkoleń i studiów podyplomowych z zakresu interwencji kryzysowej, zaburzeń osobowości, psychopatologii, seksuologii.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Anna Podstawska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, Psychoanalysis
Help Areas:Insomnia, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Depression, Adolescence, Phobias, Anxiety - neurosis, Migraine, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Tics, Trauma, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 45min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 110,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 110,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem i psychoterapeutą w trakcie procesu certyfikacji. Należę do Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego. Ukończyłam różne szkolenia, w tym m.ni. studium z interwencji kryzysowej i kurs uzupełniający z psychoterapii dzieci i młodzieży. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywałam pracując m.in.

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Specialist avatar

dr Mariusz Wirga

Psychotherapist, Psychiatrist, Psychooncologist, Therapist, Speaker, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, TEAMCBT, Simonton therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Cancers, Burnout, Sanity
Price list: 1h  ‑ 2 000,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 4 000,00 zł

Jestem polskim lekarzem psychoonkologiem i psychiatrą, Poznaniakiem, absolwentem Poznańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, od 1993 roku mieszkającym w USA.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Miller

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Speaker

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, Couples therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Alcoholism, Communication in life, Low self-esteem, Personality, Leadership, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Codependency, Burnout, Career management, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 500,00 zł

Szanowni Państwo
Obecnie nie prowadzę indywidualnych konsultacji.
Serdecznie zapraszam na zamknięte szkolenia dedykowane lub warsztaty w Ośrodku Rozwoju Osobistego Alcha

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Specialist avatar

mgr Patrycja Dańków

Coach, Mediator, Mentor, Therapist, Career counselor, Speaker, Crisis coach, Beauty Coach, Life Coach, Arteterapist, Asystent zdrowienia

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Ericksonian therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Structural therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, EMDR, Psychoanalysis, Open Dialogue, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Hypnotherapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Allergies, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Autism, Arthralgia, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Affective disorder, Orphan disease, Kidney disease, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Dyslexia, FAS, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hyperlipidaemia, Hypochondria, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Personal brand, Migraine, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Sexual harassment, Creative morphology, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Psychosis, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Sexoholism, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Angelman syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 195,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 280,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 1 187,50 zł, 1h  ‑ 950,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 1 800,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 2 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł

Posiadam wykształcenie, wiedzę, doświadczenie, umiejętności oraz bezpieczną przestrzeń, w której dzieją się cuda - cuda zdrowienia środka, wnętrza ludzi i ich bliskich.
Zapraszam do pracy - pracy świadomej i pracy na pełen etat. Do procesu, gdzie ważna jest wiedza, świadomość i zmiana.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Jurij Romanyuk Romaniuk

Psychologist, Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Divorce, Personal development, Loneliness, Stress
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 50,00 zł

Piszę „Cześć, jestem Jurek”i dalej nie mam pojęcia jak ciekawie mówić o sobie, chociaż mam wiele zainteresowań.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Aleksandra Grudzień

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Therapist, Mediator, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Psychotraumatolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Cognitive therapy, EMDR, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Urinary incontinence, Sexual harassment, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Transsexualism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 400,00 zł

Szanowni Państwo,

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Specialist avatar

mgr Żaneta Lis


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Bulimia, Diabetes, Communication competence, Communication in life, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Jeżeli szukasz pomocy psychologicznej, żeby nauczyć się nowych, skuteczniejszych sposobów radzenia sobie z trudnymi sytuacjami. Odczuwasz stany lękowe, a może Twoje niskie poczucie własnej wartości nie pozwala Ci spełniać swoich marzeń i wyznaczonych celów. Zapraszam również osoby, które zmagają się z zaburzeniami odżywiania: bulimią czy kompulsywnym objadaniem się.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agnieszka Dubicka

Psychologist, Mediator, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Alcoholism, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Mobbing, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Mourning, Betrayal, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 160,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł

Psychologiem jestem od ponad 20 lat, na co dzień pracuje z osobami zmagającymi się z różnymi kryzysami (w związku, rodzicielstwie, z kryzysami wypalenia zawodowego itp), ludźmi lękającymi się zmiany. Mam doświadczenie, w pracy, z osobami, które utraciły kogoś bliskiego. Współpracuję z Fundacjami działającymi, na rzecz rodzin, dzieci z niepełnosprawnościami.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Mariola Pajdowska

Psychotherapist, Therapist, Crisis intervention, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Stress, Profile brand, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Behavioural disorders, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł

Mariola Pajdowska... Absolwentka Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Socjolog, Doradca psychospołeczny. W 2010 roku ukończyła Studia podyplomowe gdzie zdobyła tytuł Dyplomowanego Trenera Biznesu, trenera rozwoju osobistego. W 2011 ukończyła szkolenie podnoszące kwalifikacje zawodowe w zakresie

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Specialist avatar

mgr Sonia Abramek

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Alcoholism, Insomnia, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Phobias, Anxiety - neurosis, Mobbing, Motivation, Shyness, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Stress, Addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Sleep disturbance, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 350,00 zł

Dzień dobry :)
Jestem psychologiem praktykiem - to o czym mówię i jakie proponuję rozwiązania sama wdrażam w swoje życie.
Pracuję w nurcie TSR - Terapia Skoncentrowana na Rozwiązaniu. Jestem psychologiem intuicyjnym - korzystając ze swojej głęboko rozwiniętej intuicji mogę szybciej skontaktować się z Twoimi procesami, a co za tym idzie skuteczniej Ci pomóc.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agata Pakuza

Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist, Support package, Pedagogue, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, Addiction therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Addiction, Alcoholism, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Communication competence, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Transsexualism, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 45min  ‑ 211,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 89,00 zł

Szanowni Państwo, jestem certyfikowanym specjalistą psychoterapii uzależnień oraz dyplomowanym psychoterapeutą. Pracuję w zawodzie od 2003 roku. Doświadczenie zawodowe zdobywałam na długoterminowych oddziałach leczenia uzależnień zarówno dla dzieci i młodzieży jak i osób dorosłych.

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mgr Adrianna Napiórkowska-Babich

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Business psychologist, Sports psychologist, Speaker, Trainer, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Psychosynthesis, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Allergies, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Arthralgia, Bulimia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Kidney disease, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Ailments associated with digestion, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Insulin resistance, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Personal brand, Migraine, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Creative morphology, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 240,00 zł

I am a psychologist (applied psychology - Jagiellonian University) using Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), a II class sports psychologist of the Polish Psychological Association and a certified Mindfulness instructor (Mindfulness Academy in Warsaw).

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mgr Magdalena Gałaj

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Existential therapy, Gestalt therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Self-presentation, Insomnia, Thyroid disease, ACoA Syndrom, Symptoms of the menopause period, Anxiety - neurosis, Migraine, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Decrease in performance and immunity, Stress, Tics, Profile brand, Codependency, Mental disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 50,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł

Ukończyłam psychologię na Uniwersytecie Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego oraz Szkołę Psychoterapii w Ośrodku Pomocy i Edukacji Psychologicznej INTRA, a także Warsztaty Teatru Forum ”Forum dla Życia” uprawniające do prowadzenia zajęć z użyciem dramy i Teatru Forum organizowane przez Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Dramy „STOP-KLATKA” oraz Szkolenie I stopnia Racjonalnej Terapii Zachowania w Centrum Onkol

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Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Dolak-Mazurek

Coach, Support package, Pedagogue, Speaker, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Burnout, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł

Pomagam ludziom zrozumieć miłość, aby umieć kochać siebie i innych. Jestem przekonana, że każdy człowiek ma szansę na sukces we wszystkich dziedzinach życia, wystarczy, że będzie obdarzał się miłością, a nie zauroczeniem.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Paulina Będkowska

Psychologist, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, FAS, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Psycholog, terapeuta, miłośnik ludzkiego świata. Swoją wiedzę i umiejętności opieram na podstawach terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach. W pracy z klientem cenię sobie szybkość i skuteczność w działaniu.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Łukasz Kubacki

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Aggression, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Profile brand, Mental disorders, Mourning, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 80,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem i psychoterapeutą w trakcie 4-letniego całościowego szkolenia w Instytucie Integralnej Psychoterapii Gestalt w Krakowie. Doświadczenie terapeutyczne zdobywałem m.in. na stażu klinicznym w szpitalu psychiatrycznym HCP w Poznaniu.

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Specialist avatar

dr Marek Olejniczak

Coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Problems of couples, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 75,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 220,00 zł

Coaching partnerski to niezwykły czas dla dwojga osób jako pary – razem przyglądacie się przyszłości Waszego związku i planujecie jego dalszy rozwój. To może być dla Was niezwykłe pozytywne przeżycie! Zapewniam – pierwsza sesja jest całkowicie bezpłatna i bez żadnych dalszych zobowiązań!

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Specialist avatar

mgr Małgorzata Ludwiczek

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Clinical psychologist, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Assertiveness, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Communication competence, Communication in life, Mania, Mobbing, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

If you find it difficult to make contact with other people, if you are lonely, if you have no close relations, if you feel dissatisfied with yourself and with the quality of your life, if you struggle with fear, deep sadness, shyness, incomprehension, you experience parting or mourning, if you recognize symptoms of depression or neurosis, you experience stress that paralyses your normal life f

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Specialist avatar

mgr Monika Dziemidowicz


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Arthralgia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Kidney disease, Cancers, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Dementia, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Hyperlipidaemia, Insulin resistance, Migraine, Urinary incontinence, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Food intolerances, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Hormonal disorders, Eating disorders, Voracity, Polycystic ovary syndrome
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 400,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Dzień dobry!

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Specialist avatar

mgr Sandra Panuś

Coach, Therapist, Pedagogue, Speaker, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Personal development, Self-realization, Profile brand, Change
Price list: 2h  ‑ 350,00 zł

Z zawodu pedagog społeczny, z pasji i zauroczenia rozwojem – coach ICC, Terapeutka TSR (Terapii Skierowanej na Rozwiązaniach)

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agnieszka Carrasco-Żylicz

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Adoption, Anorexia, Bulimia, Adolescence, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication in life, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Eating disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Mam wieloletnie doświadczenie w prowadzeniu psychoterapii i poradnictwa psychologicznego. Posiadam certyfikat psychoterapeuty Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego oraz Wielkopolskiego Towarzystwa Terapii Systemowej.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Aleksandra Jędrol

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Mediator, Crisis intervention, Clinical psychologist, Psychooncologist, Psychotraumatolog, Addiction therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Alcoholic disease, Alzheimer's disease, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication in life, Mania, Urinary incontinence, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Gastrointestinal diseases, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Z wykształcenia jestem psychologiem, psychoterapeutą poznawczo-behawioralnym oraz mediatorem rodzinnym. Pracuje w zawodzie od 9 lat. Mam doświadczenie w pracy w Poradni Zdrowia Psychicznego, Prywatnej Poradni Psychologiczno-pedagogicznej, telefonie zaufania dla dzieci i młodzieży, Poradni psychologicznej online, obecnie prowadzę własny gabinet psychoterapeutyczny.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Mateusz Biernat

Therapist, Mentor, Pedagogue, Speaker, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Addiction therapy, Open Dialogue, eCPR, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Phobias, Communication in life, Mania, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Problems of couples, Violence, Psychosis, Employer Branding, Personal development, Self-realization, Schizophrenia, Alcoholic disease, Burnout, Mental disorders, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 550,00 zł

REZERWACJA TERMINU WIZYTY: po kontakcie z Avigon.pl: 669 011 799 lub kontakt@avigon.pl UWAGA: DOSTĘPNE TERMINY w poniedziałki w godzinach dopołudniowych/ inne terminy po indywidualnym uzgodnieniu.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agata Gwóźdź

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Coach, Business psychologist, Therapist, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Open Dialogue, Existential therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Hypochondria, Communication in life, Migraine, Sexual harassment, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł

Ukończyłam jednolite studia magisterskie na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Katowicach, studia realizowałam na dwóch specjalnościach: Psychologia Kliniczna Człowieka Dorosłego oraz Psychologia Biznesu i Coaching. Ukończyłam studia podyplomowe o specjalności seksuologia kliniczna na Uniwersytecie SWPS.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Damian Dominik Brela

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Anorexia, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Orphan disease, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Urinary incontinence, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Transsexualism, Codependency, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Voracity, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł


- psychoterapia psychodynamiczna / analityczna (w trakcie);
- seksuologia kliniczna: diagnoza, terapia, edukacja;
- hipnoza kliniczna / terapeutyczna;
- przygotowanie pedagogiczne do pracy z dziećmi oraz młodzieżą.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agnieszka Pietrzyk-Dąb

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Addiction therapy, EMDR, Psychoanalysis, Couples therapy, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 350,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem ze specjalnością kliniczną, psychoterapeutą certyfikowanym przez najważniejsze międzynarodowe stowarzyszenie w zakresie psychoterapii European Association for Psychotherapy.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Aleksandra Łysakowska

Psychologist, Therapist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:ADHD, Adoption, Anorexia, Autism, Insomnia, Affective disorder, Depression, Adolescence, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Tics, Trauma, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Psycholog i socjoterapeuta

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Specialist avatar

dr Marzena Rusanowska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, TEAMCBT, Cognitive therapy, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Ailments associated with digestion, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Gastrointestinal diseases, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 400,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 450,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 400,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 600,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 340,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 400,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 0,00 zł

I am a psychologist, psychotherapist, and psychology researcher. My passion is to combine the effects of my own scientific work and research teams from around the world with the practical translation of this knowledge into therapeutic work with an individual and training work with groups.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Joanna Cholewa

Psychologist, Therapist, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Anorexia, Autism, Bulimia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Affective disorder, Adolescence, Dyslexia, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Overweight and obesity, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Burnout, Eating disorders, Voracity, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 450,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, psychodietetykiem i pedagogiem specjalnym. Posiadam tytuł magistra psychologii oraz studia podyplomowe z psychodietetyki, pedagogiki specjalnej oraz przygotowanie pedagogiczne.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Dobrosława Brzostowska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Business psychologist, Career counselor, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Self-presentation, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Motivation, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 330,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Czasami każdemu zdarza się, że nie ma ochoty wstać z łóżka, że lęk utrudnia podjęcie działania, że negatywne myśli nie dają się wyrzucić z głowy, że trudno jest poradzić sobie z silnymi emocjami. Czasami każdemu wydaje się, że się do czegoś nie nadaje, że przecież coś powinien, że gdyby tylko był inny to jego związek, kariera, życie układałby się inaczej...

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Specialist avatar

mgr Dominika Madaj-Solberg

Psychologist, Psychotraumatolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, EMDR, Couples therapy, Existential therapy
Help Areas:Stress, Divorce, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Mental disorders, Mourning, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 270,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 650,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 450,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 370,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jeg er sertifisert psykolog, psykotraumatolog fokusert i sitt arbeid på mennesker som opplever en livskrise og dens langsiktige konsekvenser- traumatisk stress, postraumatisk stress (PTS), posttraumatisk stresslidelse (PTSD). Jeg tar videreutdanning innen Psykotraumatologi.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Patrycja Modzelewska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Mentor, Business psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Psychotraumatolog, Therapist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, ACoA Syndrom, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 225,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 350,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 225,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 400,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 400,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 400,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 225,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 225,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 225,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 350,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem ze specjalnością kliniczną. Ukończyłam pięcioletnie magisterskie studia psychologiczne na Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej (APS). Uzyskałam także certyfikację Terapeuty Schematów, Terapeuty Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach oraz Psychotraumatologa.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Paulina Literska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, Other
Help Areas:ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Violence, Personal development, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Codependency, Mental disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 15min  ‑ 50,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 110,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 90,00 zł

Jestem Psychologiem - absolwentką Uniwersytetu SWPS w Warszawie - ukończyłam studia magisterskie z Psychologii o specjalności kliniczna i zdrowia. Skończyłam również studia podyplomowe o kierunku Diagnoza Psychologiczna w Praktyce Klinicznej. Jestem także psychoterapeutą w trakcie szkolenia psychodynamicznego do certyfikatu psychoterapeuty.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Patrycja Młynarczyk

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Support package, Mediator, Mentor, Business psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Career counselor, Speaker, Trainer, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Ericksonian therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Hypnotherapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Problems with memory, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 350,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 299,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 500,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 550,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 699,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 299,00 zł

♦️♦️♦️O MNIE:
Jestem dyplomowanym psychologiem, naturopatą, hipnoterapeutą, terapeutą małżeństw i par, terapeutą TSR, terapeutą SI, terapeutą CBT, pedagogiem, praktykiem NLP i mediatorem. Jestem również członkiem stowarzyszenia The British Psychological Society.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Maciej Frasunkiewicz

Psychologist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Trainer, Home visits

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Structural therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Communication competence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Behavioural disorders, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 400,00 zł

Cześć :)

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Specialist avatar

mgr Edyta Zawodna

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mediator, Business psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Self-presentation, Insomnia, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Alcoholic disease, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Underweight, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Transsexualism, Addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 50,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 320,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł

Nazywam się Edyta Zawodna.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Marta Byrgiel

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Addiction therapy, Psychoanalysis
Help Areas:Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Affective disorder, Alcoholic disease, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Phobias, Communication competence, Anxiety - neurosis, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Workaholism, Self-mutilation, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Stress, Addiction, Burnout, Mental disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Betrayal, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, specjalistą psychoterapii uzależnień, obecnie w trakcie akredytowanego kursu psychoterapii w podejściu psychodynamicznym z elementami psychodramy. Pracuję w sposób integracyjny, łączę elementy poznanych nurtów terapeutycznych. Sposób i metody pracy dobieram kierując się potrzebami klienta.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Piotr Barczewski

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy
Help Areas:Aggression, Insomnia, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Anxiety - neurosis, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Addiction, Codependency, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł

Pracuję jako psycholog i psychoterapeuta. Ofertę leczenia kieruję do młodzieży i osób dorosłych. Pomagam m.in. osobom odczuwającym trudności adaptacyjne oraz osobom zmagającym się z depresją, lękiem, objadaniem się, bezsennością, uzależnieniem, brakiem poczucia sensu życia, problemami w związkach.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Izabela Marchwińska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Tics, Burnout, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 240,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 180,00 zł

To co najbardziej sprawdza się podczas sesji to: szacunek, empatia, zaangażowanie, jasno wyznaczony cel, który pomagam określić, koncentracja na potencjale i zasobach oraz nastawienie na rozwiązanie i planowe działanie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Daria Roszak

Therapist, Support package, Dietician, Psychodietician, Addiction therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Addiction therapy, Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Addiction, Bulimia, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Personal development, Loneliness, Eating disorders, Voracity, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 140,00 zł

Welcome to my profile! It is not a coincidence that you are here. My name is Daria and I am a professional dietitian and also a great fan of anything that involves nutrition. I enjoy cooking and I savor each bite of food. I love sharing my cooking with others, for instance at online healthy eating workshops.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Magdalena Minkina

Psychotherapist, for Santander Bank Polska, Therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Psychoanalysis
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Aggression, ACoA Syndrom, Communication competence, Business communication, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł

Może masz czas, że nic Ci się nie chce, jesteś zrezygnowany/-a, nie możesz spać. Odczuwasz lęki. A może straciłaś/-eś Kogoś bliskiego, swoje marzenia, Może nadszedł czas kryzysu. Może po drodze zagubiłeś/-aś swoje pragnienia, siebie. Potrzebujesz odnaleźć sens swojego życia, satysfakcję z życia. Albo stoisz na rozdrożu i nie wiesz, w którą stronę pójść.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Michał Stolarczyk

Psychologist, Coach, Support package, for Santander Bank Polska, Mentor, Business psychologist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Stress, Self-presentation, ACoA Syndrom, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Burnout, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 2h  ‑ 225,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 80,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł

Nazywam się Michał Stolarczyk i jestem psychologiem, konsultantem kariery, coachem i trenerem kompetencji psychospołecznych.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Elzbieta Słyś-Janusz

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Adoption, Autism, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Personal development, Loneliness, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 110,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł

I am a psychologist, graduated from SWPS in Warsaw, specializing in clinical and health psychology. I was educated in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression and Anxiety Disorders at the Beck Institute in the USA and I am carrying the study at school of dialectical-behavioural therapy also in the USA.

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Specialist avatar

dr Zuzanna Gazdowska

Psychologist, Therapist, Adolescent Psychologist, Sports psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Adolescence, Communication competence, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Stress, Profile brand, Burnout, Career management, Betrayal, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł

Zuzanna Gazdowska - PhD in social sciences, sport psychologist, she works within solution focused brief therapy approach in regard to issues related to personal development, motivation, coping with stress. She is a Kids' Skills method Practitioner. She is a speaker at international conferences and author of publications with an international reach.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Ryszard Skarbek

Coach, for Santander Bank Polska, Support package, Mentor, Career counselor, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Stress, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Burnout, Career management, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

I have nearly 30 years of professional experience. Over 20 years spent in a multi-national corporation as manager and manager of managers. So, I know the realities of the "corpo-world", all its pressures and unwritten rules.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Przemysław Król

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Anorexia, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł

Ukończyłem z wyróżnieniem psychologię na KUL (specjalności: psychologia kliniczna). Ukończyłem 4-letnie studium psychoterapii integratywnej. Praktykuję jako psychoterapeuta od 2018 roku. Pracowałem jako psychoterapeuta dzieci i młodzieży w Centrum CBT w Warszawie. Prowadzę prywatna praktykę psychoterapeutyczną w Gdańsku.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Pchlińska

Crisis intervention, Pedagogue, Arteterapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Aspociality, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Communication competence, Social anxiety, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Transsexualism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 110,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Witam serdecznie,
z wykształcenia jestem Pedagogiem Resocjalizacji (mgr), a także Pedagogiem Sportu, Rekreacji i Turystyki (licencjat).
Jestem absolwentką studiów podyplomowych z zakresu Poradnictwa Psychologicznego i Interwencji Kryzysowej,
a obecnie studentką trzeciego roku studiów magisterskich z psychologii.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Magdalena Wiśniewska

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Adolescent Psychologist, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Aggression, Affective disorder, Depression, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Problems of couples, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Stress, Burnout, Mental disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 140,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł

My name is Magdalena Wiśniewska. I am a psychologist, coach and DBT therapist. I graduated from Jagiellonian University with a master degree in Applied Psychology. I obtained certification of Erickson Coaching International. I have completed training in DBT skills at Centrum DBT Emocje. I have started a course of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy and schema therapy at CTPB in Warsaw.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Joanna Cydejko Cwojdzińska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Mediator, Crisis intervention, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Addiction therapist, Career counselor, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Educational kinesiology, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Dyslexia, Communication in life, Mania, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł

Diagnozuję problemy szkolne, emocjonalne. Pomagam w sytuacjch żałoby, rozwodu, choroby. Prowadzę mediacje, psychoterapię. Mam doświadczenie w pracy z rodzinami oraz bardzo dobry kontakt z dziećmi i młodzieżą.
Depresja, adhd, dysleksja, autyzm, uzależnienia, lęki, stres, zaburzona komunikacja, i inne.
Dyskretność, profesjonalizm, skuteczność.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Lucyna Chlund

Pedagogue, Psychogerontolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Other
Help Areas:Stress, Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Communication competence, Motivation, Dementia, Problems with memory, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Emotional disorders, Mourning, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł

O mnie (deutsch)

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Specialist avatar

mgr Artur Pobłocki

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Therapist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Migraine, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems with memory, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Tics, Alcoholic disease, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł

Specjalista psycholog kliniczny, certyfikowany psychoterapeuta poznawczo-behawioralny (certyfikat PTTPiB nr 688), seksuolog, neuropsycholog.

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Specialist avatar

spec. Marzena Marszałek


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Open Dialogue
Help Areas:Allergies, Insomnia, Arthralgia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Kidney disease, Cancers, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Migraine, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Food intolerances, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Stress, Hormonal disorders, Eating disorders, Sleep disturbance, Voracity, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 80,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 80,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 220,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 350,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 80,00 zł

Nazywam się Marzena Marszałek i jestem dietetykiem klinicznym z kilkuletnim doświadczeniem zawodowym.
Moim celem jest przekonanie współpracujących ze mną osób do stosowania zdrowych nawyków żywieniowych.
Marszalek Diet to indywidualne plany żywieniowe dostosowane do stylu życia klienta bez żadnych wyrzeczeń.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Ernest Staniak

Psychologist, Sexologist, Coach, Therapist, Pedagogue, Addiction therapist, Career counselor, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Structural therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Behavioral therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Anxiety disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Przede wszystkim jestem człowiekiem:) Jestem psychologiem- towarzyszem dla którego najważniejsze jest dobro rozmówcy. Od kilku lat pracuję z ludźmi, którzy doświadczyli wiele trudności w swoim życiu. Towarzyszę im w drodze do poprawy komfortu i jakości ich życia. Najważniejsza w mojej pracy jest relacja terapeutyczna . W związku z tym swoją pracę poddaję regularnej superwizji.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Martyna Naumiuk


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Affective disorder, Depression, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Addiction, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 80,00 zł

Z wykształcenia i pasji- jestem psychologiem. Skończyłam studia ze specjalnością kliniczną. Pomaganie innym sprawia mi przyjemność, lubię słuchać i rozmawiać. Swoje psychologiczne praktyki studenckie odbywałam w Hospicjum w Zielonej Górze, co umocniło mnie w przekonaniu, że dzięki empatii, zainteresowaniu drugą osobą i często- z pozoru zwykłą rozmową- można zdziałać wiele.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Patrycja Piekarczyk

Psychologist, Dietician, Therapist, Psychooncologist, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Aggression, Anorexia, Self-presentation, Bulimia, Cancers, Depression, Ailments associated with digestion, Hypochondria, Anxiety - neurosis, Migraine, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Profile brand, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 50min  ‑ 140,00 zł

Jestem absolwentką Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego na kierunku Psychologia. Ukończyłam studia podyplomowe z zakresu psychoonkologii i psychodietetyki. Jestem certyfikowanym terapeutą metody A.Tomatisa oraz Konsultantem Transkulturowej Psychoterapii Pozytywnej. Ukończyłam szkolenie Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach i to w tym nurcie głównie pracuję z klientami.

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Specialist avatar

dr Oksana Dąbrowska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Support package, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Self-presentation, Autism, Phobias, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Profile brand, Burnout, Mental disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 350,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł

Psychologist, graduate of the University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski in Warsaw, Ph.D. in the field of medical psychology, coach and psychotherapist with a license from the Polish Association of Process Psychology, runs projects involving the use of art in education and therapy. Since many years has been working as a psychologist, also with disabled persons and their families.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Przemysław Zielonka

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Psychodynamic therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication in life, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Dzień Dobry,

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mgr Weronika Żłobicka

Psychologist, Addiction therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Interpersonal therapy, Addiction therapy
Help Areas:Alcoholism, Insomnia, Affective disorder, Alcoholic disease, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Borderline personality disorder, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Psychosis, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Addiction, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Sanity
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł

Obecnie pracuję jako terapeutka w Mazowieckim Centrum Neuropsychiatrii, a dokładnie w Ośrodku Rehabilitacji Uzależnień i Podwójnej Diagnozy dla młodzieży w Otwocku.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Marta Rapicka-Davydiuk

Psychologist, Sexologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Stress, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Communication in life, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Profile brand, Burnout, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 160,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 130,00 zł

Posiadam 2 letnie doświadczenie zawodowe w pracy z dziećmi, młodzieżą jak i dorosłymi. Psychologią interesuję się od zawsze. Największą satysfakcję oraz szczęście daje mi radość osób, które dzięki naszej wspólnej pracy zmienili swoje życie na lepsze.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Justyna Dawiskiba-Spaleniak

Psychologist, Coach, Business psychologist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Profile brand, Burnout, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Mourning, Sanity, Change
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 75,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 130,00 zł

I am a psychologist, coach, HR specialist, personal and business development trainer, Insights Discovery consultant and AC / DC assessor. I am also the author of articles on portals and a chapter in the book "Godzina wychowawcza z Agnieszka Osiecka" by Małgorzata Wiśniewska-Olejnik.

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Specialist avatar

dr Klaudia Wróbel

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Stress, Aggression, Borderline personality disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Personality, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Tics, Codependency, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł

Jeśli potrzebujesz wsparcia, zmagasz się z trudnościami, przechodzisz przez kryzys lub chcesz zwiększyć jakość swojego życia - zapraszam do kontaktu.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Beata Szarejko

Psychologist, Therapist, Pedagogue, Career counselor, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:ADHD, Aggression, Autism, Orphan disease, Depression, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Mutism, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Stress, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Mental disorders, Mourning, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł

Przychodząc po poMoc psychologiczną, odkrywasz i zyskujesz swoją Moc. W pracy sięgam po elementy różnych podejść psychologicznych i metod: z zakresu terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej, schematów, skoncentrowanej na rozwiązaniach, na współczuciu, mentalizacji poprzez terapię równoważeniem perspektyw spostrzegania czasu, terapię skoncentrowaną na emocjach, jak i terapię traumy.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Artur Ulman

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, Psychoanalysis, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Adoption, Aggression, Aspociality, Orphan disease, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł

Nazywam się Artur Ulman, jestem psychologiem, pracuję w nurcie psychoanalitycznym.

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Specialist avatar


Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Dietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Sanity
Price list: h  ‑ 200,00 zł, h  ‑ 300,00 zł, h  ‑ 500,00 zł, h  ‑ 1 000,00 zł

Podaruj wsparcie - wyjątkowy prezent, który zadba o zdrowie bliskiej Ci osoby:

♦ Pakiet podarunkowy na konsultacje online z psychologiem, psychoterapetuą, psychodietetykiem online na avigon.pl.

Wybierz pakiet i początek terminu obowiązywania, a następnie sfinalizuj zakup - na maila dostaniesz potwierdzenie rezerwacji

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Specialist avatar

mgr Lidia Jabłońska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist, Support package, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Therapist, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication in life, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem mgr psychologii. Pomagam zarówno dzieciom, jak i osobom dorosłym. Pracuję z osobami w kryzysie psychologicznym, zmagającymi się z depresją, zaburzeniami lękowymi, żałobą, stratą, interwencją kryzysową. Pomagam przechodzić przez sytuacje związane z rozwodem. Wspomagam osoby chcące zwiększyć swoją samoocenę, polepszyć komfort życia.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Aleksandra Wróbel-Murshid

Psychologist, Therapist, Support package, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, for Santander Bank Polska, Master Reiss Motivation Profile

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Allergies, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Thyroid disease, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Phobias, Hyperlipidaemia, Hypochondria, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Migraine, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 50,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł

 Jeżeli jesteś na tej stronie i szukasz wsparcia to właśnie tu je znajdziesz.
Mogę zaoferować Ci zrozumienie, dyskrecję i brak oceny. Empatyczna postawa wobec Twojej sytuacji jest podstawą mojej pracy. Gdy w kalendarzu nie ma odpowiedniego terminu zapraszam do kontaktu +48723948208.

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mgr Agata Armatys-Słowik

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Anorexia, Self-presentation, Autism, Bulimia, Adolescence, Dyslexia, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Mania, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Codependency, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 300,00 zł

Nazywam się Agata Armatys-Słowik. Jestem psychologiem, pedagogiem oraz psychoterapeutą w trakcie szkolenia w nurcie poznawczo- behawioralnym. Na co dzień  pracuję z rodzicami oraz dziećmi w wieku przedszkolnym i szkolnym. Jestem osobą, która lubi i potrafi słuchać. W swojej pracy dążę do zrozumienia sytuacji i zachowania drugiego człowieka.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Paulina Żabka

Psychotherapist, Therapist, Mentor, Dietician, Pedagogue, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Bulimia, Adolescence, Ailments associated with digestion, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Migraine, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Profile brand, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Voracity, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 75min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł

Nazywam się Paulina Żabka.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Karolina Korpalska

Psychologist, Support package, Child psychologist, Pedagogue, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Aspociality, Adolescence, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 1h  ‑ 170,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 80,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Drogi Rodzicu, jestem tu dla Ciebie!

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Specialist avatar

mgr Michał Bagiński

Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Crisis intervention, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Aggression, Self-presentation, Depression, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication competence, Business communication, Anxiety - neurosis, Personal brand, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Mental disorders, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł

Terapeuta terapii skoncentrowanej na rozwiązaniach, coach, doradca zawodowy, trener

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Specialist avatar

lek. Grzegorz Jabłoński

Psychiatrist, Crisis intervention

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, Anorexia, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Mania, Migraine, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Psychosis, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Transsexualism, Trauma, Burnout, Hormonal disorders, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 280,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 350,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 300,00 zł

Jestem lekarzem psychiatrą z dwudziestopięcioletnim doświadczeniem. Pracuję z dziećmi i dorosłymi. Mam doświadczenie w pracy w poradni zdrowia psychicznego, ośrodkach uzależnień, oddziałach szpitalnych, DPS-ach, więzieniu.
Bycie psychiatrą i praca z pacjentem to moja pasja od zawsze.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Emanuel Ferdyn

Psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Alcoholism, Self-presentation, Autism, Affective disorder, Alcoholic disease, Alzheimer's disease, Depression, Phobias, Mania, Underweight, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems with memory, Loneliness, Stress, Addiction, Codependency, Mental disorders, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem i pracuję z osobami
Pracuję w Zespole Domowej Opieki Paliatywnej, głównie z osobami starszymi - pacjenci terminalni.
Pracuję w ramach wsparcia psychologicznego dla dzieci i młodzieży w różnych Domach Dziecka i w Katolickiej Fundacji Dzieciom na Świetlicy Specjalistycznej.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agata Kuśmierczyk

Psychologist, Support package, Business psychologist, Sports psychologist, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Business communication, Communication in life, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Burnout, Mental disorders, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, prowadzę konsultacje w oparciu o metody Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach.

W moim kręgu zainteresowań leży psychologia optymalnego działania, w sporcie, na scenie i w życiu a także odporność psychiczna.

Posiadam licencję posługiwania się i pracy z kwestionariuszem MTQ48.
Posiadam certyfikat ukończenia szkolenia "Kids Skills".

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Specialist avatar

mgr Mariola Szymańska

Psychologist, Coach, Support package, Crisis intervention, Pedagogue, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Open Dialogue, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Addiction, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem społecznym, certyfikowanym trenerem zmiany, coachem i byłym pedagogiem.
Jedną z najważniejszych rzeczy w mojej pracy z ludźmi jest dostosowanie się do ich potrzeb.
Posiadam wieloletnie doświadczenie w biznesie, pracy z managerami, zarządzaniu procesami, coachingu indywidualnym i grupowym.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Robert Kuchta

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Crisis intervention

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:ADHD, Alcoholism, Insomnia, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication competence, Anxiety - neurosis, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Sexoholism, Stress, Tics, Trauma, Addiction, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Mental disorders
Price list: 1h  ‑ 140,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem i psychoterapeutą moim powołaniem jest promowanie zdrowia psychicznego. Od 10 lat współpracuję z dziećmi, młodzieżą i dorosłymi wspierając radzenie sobie z emocjami i cierpieniem psychicznym.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Karolina Malinowska


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy
Help Areas:ADHD, Aggression, Anxiety - neurosis, Urinary incontinence, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 1h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 40,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem klinicznym dziecka. W pracy kieruję się podejściem związanym z Rodzicielstwem Bliskości, polegającym głównie na towarzyszeniu dziecku w naturalnym rozwoju. Fundamentem tego podejścia jest empatia i zrozumienie indywidualnych potrzeb każdego dziecka. Koncentruję się zarówno na dziecku jak i jego najbliższym otoczeniu.

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Specialist avatar

dr Monika Ponichtera-Kasprzykowska

Psychologist, Therapist, Psychogerontolog, Career counselor

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Hypnotherapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Hypochondria, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Problems with memory, Personal development, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Burnout, Mourning, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 170,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Czujesz się przytłoczona/y nadmiarem zajęć, zobowiązań albo możliwości?
Coraz częściej ogarnia Cię smutek, zniechęcenie, masz problemy z kontrolą emocji?
Praca jest dla Ciebie bardzo ważna? Czujesz rozczarowanie lub niedosyt w życiu zawodowym, masz ochotę zająć się czymś nowym, ale boisz się zaryzykować?

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agnieszka Oleksa

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Support package

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Anorexia, Bulimia, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Oferuję Ci indywidualne wsparcie i pomoc psychologiczną, jeśli znajdujesz się w trudnej dla siebie sytuacji życiowej. Jeśli masz obniżony nastrój, stresujesz się, dużo myślisz o problemie, co utrudnia Ci codzienne funkcjonowanie, nie możesz się skupić za dnia, w nocy ciężko Ci zasnąć, pomyśl o zgłoszeniu się do mnie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Adrian Longosz

Coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Personal brand, Motivation, Workaholism, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Self-realization, Profile brand, Career management, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 125,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 10,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł

Jako Certyfikowany Coach pomagam przedsiębiorcom oraz specjalistom z branży e-commerce osiągać więcej, doprowadzać do końca ważne dla nich sprawy i projekty lub rozpoczynać nowe wyzwania.

Za pomocą różnych narzędzi pomagam skoncentrować się na rozwoju osobistym i zawodowym, poszerzeniu potencjału i odkryciu nowych możliwości.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Klaudia Steckiewicz-Langer

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:ADHD, Anorexia, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Alcoholic disease, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Phobias, Communication in life, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Shyness, Personality, Borderline personality disorder, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Trauma, Addiction, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 190,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł

Nazywam się Klaudia Steckiewicz-Langer. Jestem psychologiem klinicznym oraz psychoterapeutą w procesie certyfikacji. Ukończyłam wydział psychologii w Szkole Wyższej Psychologii Społecznej w Warszawie (obecnie Uniwersytet SWPS) ze specjalnością psychologia kliniczna.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Sonia Biszczak

Psychologist, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Personal development, Stress, Voracity, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Witaj, mam na imię Sonia - jestem psychologiem i psychodietetykiem.
Pomagam odzyskać kontrolę nad jedzeniem, więc jeśli:

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mgr Sara Drezek


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Assertiveness, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Toxic relationship, Eating disorders, Sleep disturbance, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 50min  ‑ 89,90 zł, 50min  ‑ 89,90 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 55,90 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 55,90 zł

I am a certified psychologist.

I am authorized to conduct psychological tests, diagnose and provide opinions, psychological assistance, counseling, guidance and psycho-education.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agnieszka Bartczak

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Child psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:ADHD, Insomnia, Skin diseases, Depression, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anxiety - neurosis, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Self-realization, Stress, Tics, Sleep disturbance, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem w trakcie certyfikowanego szkolenia psychoterapeutycznego z zakresu terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej. Posiadam doświadczenie w pracy z dorosłymi, dziećmi również z zaburzeniami rozwoju oraz całymi rodzinami. Prowadzę terapię dla osób dorosłych oraz dzieci i młodzieży.

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mgr Katarzyna Piwowar

Psychologist, Support package, Therapist, Crisis intervention, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Open Dialogue, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Anorexia, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Addiction, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 140,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, absolwentką Uniwersytetu SWPS w Warszawie na kierunku Psychologia kliniczna i zdrowia. Specjalizuję się we wspieraniu osób doświadczających kryzysu psychicznego, wierząc, że może on stanowić początek rozwoju i zmiany życiowej. Prowadzę terapię krótkoterminową w podejściu skoncentrowanym na rozwiązaniach.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Patrycja Wardal

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Adolescent Psychologist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Ericksonian therapy, Hypnotherapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Bulimia, Skin diseases, Adolescence, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Migraine, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

I'm a clinical psychologist and a psychotherapist in training by education and passion. I believe that a therapeutic relationship is an extraordinary journey, sometimes a rough one but always a shared one. It might happen that you are in crisis, maybe you feel lost, overwhelmed by life changes or you find it difficult to manage your emotions and body reactions.

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mgr Aldona Bielawny

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Support package, Mentor, Child psychologist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, Psychoanalysis, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Allergies, Alzheimer's disease, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Autism, Arthralgia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Orphan disease, Kidney disease, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, FAS, Hyperlipidaemia, Hypochondria, Insulin resistance, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Migraine, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Leadership, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 75min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 230,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 330,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 400,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, psychoterapeutą oraz doradcą zawodowym i coachem z ponad 10-o letnim stażem pracy.

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mgr Klara Sadurska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mentor, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Skin diseases, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Personal brand, Migraine, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 260,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 280,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 280,00 zł

- A psychologist with over 10 years of experience providing psychological support and raising clients' awareness

- A cognitive-behavioral therapist

- Founder of the company "Psychologist Klara Sadurska Mind&Soul" with over 40,000 followers (https://www.facebook.com/psychologistKlaraSadurska)

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mgr Sylwia Rudnik

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Crisis intervention

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Simonton therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, ACoA Syndrom, Symptoms of the menopause period, Mania, Mobbing, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Violence, Trauma, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Mourning, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 127,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 175,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 350,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 470,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

I am a psychologist, therapist and crisis intervention psychologist.

For over ten years, I have been working individually with people who need psychological help, supporting them in finding solutions to problematic situations, I help them find a purpose in life or for the near future, and I conduct psychological education.

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mgr Dobrosława Standarska

Psychologist, Sexologist, Therapist, Crisis intervention

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Sanity
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 270,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł

Jestem absolwentką Psychologii Uniwersytetu Humanistycznospołecznego SWPS w Sopocie. Podczas studiów ukończyłam zaawansowany poziom psychologii klinicznej, interwencji kryzysowej oraz uzależnień. Ukończyłam Seksuologię Kliniczną na Studiach Podyplomowych SWPS. Jestem w trakcie szkolenia Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach i pracuję w tym nurcie.

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mgr Renata Michalska

Psychologist, Psychodietician, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Anorexia, Self-presentation, Bulimia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Affective disorder, Diabetes, Depression, Ailments associated with digestion, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Stress, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 500,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 60,00 zł

Mgr Renata Michalska- lic socjologii, mgr psychologii kliniczno-sądowej, dyplomowany specjalista psychodietetyki Uniwersytetu SWPS Humanistycznospołecznego, wykładowca w szkole policealnej, certyfikowany trener personalny i instruktor fitness.

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mgr Aneta Kuśnierz

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Business psychologist, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Aggression, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Mobbing, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems with memory, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Trauma, Burnout, Career management, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 350,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem i terapeutą. Wcześniej pracowałam jako life& biznes coachem oraz trener odporności psychicznej. Od 10 lat dbam o kondycję psychiczną osób dorosłych.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Natalia Ślizewska

Psychologist, Sports psychologist, Psychotraumatolog, Therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł

My name is Natalia Slizewska. I am a psychologist and therapist. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in national security in The Naval Academy and master degree in psychology in The University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Except this, I graduated postgraduate studies regarding psychology of sport.

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mgr Natalia Serafin

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Sports psychologist, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Anorexia, Self-presentation, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Adolescence, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Mania, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Profile brand, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 210,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 210,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 210,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem i psychoterapeutką poznawczo-behawioralną (w trakcie certyfikacji). Ukończyłam psychologię na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Aktualnie poszerzam swoją wiedzę na studiach podyplomowych w Szkole Psychoterapii Poznawczo-Behawioralnej SWPS w Katowicach. Swoje doświadczenie zdobywałam na oddziałach Szpitala Klinicznego im. im.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Oliwia Wolinowska-Lewczuk

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Aggression, Self-presentation, Autism, FOMO (fear of missing out), Business communication, Communication in life, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Divorce, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Mourning
Price list: 1h  ‑ 220,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł


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Specialist avatar

mgr Klaudia Fila

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Adoption, Alzheimer's disease, Anorexia, Self-presentation, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Social anxiety, Suicidal thoughts, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Dementia, Problems with memory, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity
Price list: 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, psychodietetykiem oraz psychoterapeutą w trakcie szkolenia w nurcie integracyjnym przy Katedrze Psychoterapii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. W kontakcie z drugim człowiekiem najbardziej cenię sobie autentyczność oraz indywidualność.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Paulina Gaworska-Gawryś

Psychologist, Career counselor, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Self-presentation, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Burnout, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł

Jestem psychololożką, która z empatią, autentycznością i uważnością pracuje z klientami nad ich wyzwaniami w życiu codziennym. Towarzyszę w procesie zmiany wykorzystując techniki Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach, Racjonalnej Terapii Zachowania, Porozumienia bez przemocy (NVC).

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Specialist avatar

mgr Anna Pędzieszczak Owczarczyk

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Business psychologist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Ericksonian therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Hypnotherapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Anxiety disorders, Mental disorders, Career management, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 1 000,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 450,00 zł

I am a psychologist and completed many therapeutic courses. I am a member of Polish Psychiatric Association, have been certified in 2015 by the International Coaching Federation (on PCC level).

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Specialist avatar

mgr Sylwia Hille-Jarzabek

Psychologist, Therapist, Support package, Psychotraumatolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Insulin resistance, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, psychotraumatologiem, certyfikowanym konsultantem terapii skoncentrowanej na rozwiązaniach. Pracuję z osobami w kryzysie psychologicznym. Pracuje m.in. z osobami doświadczającymi depresji, zaburzeń lękowych, żałoby, straty, wspieram osoby w sytuacjach około rozwodowych.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agnieszka Juroszek

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Adolescent Psychologist, Psychotraumatolog, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Schema therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Existential therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Hypochondria, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Violence, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, psychotraumatologiem, trenerem umiejętności społecznych, psychoterapeutą w trakcie 4-letniego szkolenia w nurcie humanistyczno-doświadczeniowym. Ukończyłam także akredytowany kurs Terapii Schematu i posiadam przygotowanie pedagogiczne.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Dudek

Psychologist, Psychotraumatolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Existential therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Transsexualism, Trauma, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł


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Specialist avatar

mgr Magdalena Krzemińska


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Ericksonian therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Existential therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Communication in life, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Burnout, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 400,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 400,00 zł

Jestem Psychoterapeutą z Międzynarodowym Certyfikatem Konsultanta Psychoterapii Pozytywnej Transkulturowej wydanym przez WAPP - World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy z tytułu ukończenia podyplomowego kursu psychoterapii. Jestem w trakcie certyfikacji na kolejnym poziomie psychoterapii - tzw.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Nagrabecka

Psychologist, Psychodietician, Career counselor

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:Bulimia, Insulin resistance, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Stress, Eating disorders, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł

Nazywam się Katarzyna Nagrabecka i jestem absolwentką psychologii na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim (nr dyplomu: W-II/5384/5191/2006) oraz studiów podyplomowych z zakresu doradztwa zawodowego w WSB we Wrocławiu.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Karolina Jarocka

Coach, Mentor, Career counselor, Speaker, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Assertiveness, Communication competence, Business communication, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Toxic relationship, Career management
Price list: 1h  ‑ 240,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 240,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 550,00 zł

Business trainer, mentor, coach. I have 19 years of professional experience, and for 13 years I have been involved in project management in the IT industry. In the course of years of work, I got to know organizations of various scales, from a dozen or so people with local capital to international corporations. I have completed over 20 projects and programs, including for global clients.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Klaudia Woszczyk

Psychologist, Coach, Support package, Therapist, Business psychologist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Stress, Burnout, Sleep disturbance, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 160,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 350,00 zł

Witam Cię na moim profilu,

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Specialist avatar

spec. Julita Grodek

Psychotherapist, Coach, Support package, Therapist, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Pedagogue, Career counselor, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Open Dialogue, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Self-presentation, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Migraine, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Personality disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

My name is Julita Grodek and I live with my family in Warsaw. I have pedagogical education in the field of teaching foreign languages (ESL, University of Warsaw). I have been dealing with hypnotherapy since 2008, completed over 300 hours of training. I am a certified hypnotherapist and naturopath (MEN no. ADZ - N 121/2021, specialization no.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Joanna Leszczewska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Adolescent Psychologist, Therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, EMDR, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Motivation, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 45min  ‑ 199,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 899,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 1 709,00 zł

Nazywam się Joanna Leszczewska. Jestem psycholożką, psychoterapeutką w trakcie certyfikacji. terapeutką EMDR i trenerką uważności. Ukończyłam psychologię na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Sopocie. Prowadzę konsultacje psychologiczne, psychoterapię indywidualną, treningi uważności oraz psychoedukację.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Edyta Kwiatkowska

Psychologist, Therapist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Autism, Adolescence, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Psycholog, terapeuta młodzieży i dorosłych w nurcie integratywnym, konsultant rodzinny. W swojej pracy aktywnie wspieram osoby, które doświadczają różnych trudności życiowych i potrzebują pomocy, rodziców małych dzieci oraz Polonię za granicą.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Maria Ochota

Psychotherapist, Mediator, Pedagogue, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Dyslexia, Communication competence, Communication in life, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Mutism, Personality, Educational problems with children, Violence, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 50,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł

Praca z ludźmi to moja pasja, którą nieustannie pielęgnuję
i rozwijam.

Udzielam pomocy osobom w kryzysie, zmagającym się
z trudnościami życia codziennego, pomoc w podnoszeniu własnej samooceny.

Jestem psychoterapeutą w procesie certyfikacji w nurcie integracyjnym oraz terapeutą pedagogicznym.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Kinga Legieta

Business psychologist, Sports psychologist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Profile brand, Burnout, Career management, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem psycholożką i specjalizuję się w psychologii sportu i biznesu. Swoją pracę opieram na wiedzy, którą zdobyłam podczas studiów i licznych szkoleń, jak i własnych doświadczeniach sportowych. Od ponad 10 lat jestem związana z siatkówką, a przez kilka lat reprezentowałam Polskę w międzynarodowych turniejach siatkówki plażowej. Cały czas zdobywam wiedzę i nieustannie się rozwijam.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Karolina Szomborg

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Crisis intervention, Adolescent Psychologist, Psychodietician, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Ailments associated with digestion, Dyslexia, FAS, Phobias, Insulin resistance, Communication competence, Communication in life, Urinary incontinence, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Cancers, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Voracity, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 230,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł


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mgr Mariola Krawiec

Psychologist, Therapist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Home visits

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:ADHD, Aggression, Insomnia, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Orphan disease, Cancers, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł

PSYCHOLOG -mgr Mariola Krawiec
Specjalność- psychologia kliniczna i zdrowia
Oferuję terapię dzieci, młodzieży, dorosłych i par.
Zdobyłam wykształcenie psychologiczne na SWPS Uniwersytecie Humanistycznospołecznym
w Sopocie. Specjalność- Psychologia kliniczna i zdrowia oraz ukończyłam Studia Podyplomowe -Psychologia dzieci i młodzieży-wspomaganie rozwoju.

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Specialist avatar

dr Aldona G. Szostak

Pedagogue, Psychodietician, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, Psychoanalysis, Open Dialogue, Educational kinesiology, Behavioral therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:ADHD, Aggression, Allergies, Anorexia, Self-presentation, Autism, Insomnia, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Kidney disease, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Depression, Adolescence, Ailments associated with digestion, Dyslexia, FAS, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hyperlipidaemia, Hypochondria, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Migraine, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Shyness, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Psychosis, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Stress, Tics, Trauma, Addiction, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 350,00 zł

Jestem psychodietetykiem, psychopedagogiem z 30-letnim doświadczeniem pracy diagnostyczno – terapeutycznej oraz trenerem Integracji Sensorycznej.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Angelika Savchuk


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Autism, FOMO (fear of missing out), Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Burnout, Betrayal, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 60,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł

Мене звати Анжеліка Савчук. Маю досвід роботи з дітьми з порушеннями розвитку різного віку, також працюю з батьками дітей з аутизмом, додатково маю досвід роботи з жертвами домашнього насильства, також з людьми похилого віку з різними потребами.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Aleksandrzak

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Crisis intervention, Business psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Existential therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł

W mojej pracy z Klientem najważniejsza jest relacja-poznanie świata drugiego człowieka, zrozumienie jego potrzeb i udzielenie takiego wsparcia, jakiego Klient potrzebuje na danym etapie życia. Niezależnie od tego, czy są to problemy w związku, rodzinie czy pracy, być może silny stres, rozwód lub dokuczliwa samotność, mogę Ci towarzyszyć w tej drodze.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Anna Battek

Psychologist, Therapist, Support package, Mediator, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ACoA Syndrom, Communication competence, Communication in life, Migraine, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 280,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 210,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jeśli przechodzisz przez kryzys życiowy, doświadczasz zmian i silnych emocji, z którymi trudno sobie poradzić - zapraszam na konsultację.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Aleksandra Ilnicka- Łoza

Psychologist, Coach, Mentor, Business psychologist, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Profile brand, Burnout, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 400,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 400,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 50,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 400,00 zł

psycholog, coach, mentor, menager, szkoleniowiec

„Dopóki nie uczynisz nieświadomego świadomym, będzie ono kierowało Twoim życiem, a Ty będziesz nazywał to przeznaczeniem” C.G.Jung

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Specialist avatar

mgr Nina Gérard

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy
Help Areas:ACoA Syndrom, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication in life, Anxiety - neurosis, Mania, Migraine, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Loss of a loved one , Stress, Trauma, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł

Umiem słuchać i zadawać trafne, choć czasem trudne pytania.

W mojej pracy ważne jest dla mnie spotkanie i towarzyszenie w stawaniu się bardziej sobą oraz pomoc w byciu bliżej (a czasami dalej, jeśli to oznacza rozwój) w relacjach z innymi.

Pomagam dotrzeć do źródeł problemów w rodzinie, przeżyć emocje w nimi związane i stawać się wolnym.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Jolanta Roman

Support package, Pedagogue, Psychotraumatolog, Career counselor

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Open Dialogue, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Orphan disease, ACoA Syndrom, Dyslexia, FAS, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Z wykształcenia jestem psychotraumatologiem, pedagogiem,doradcą zawodowym, instruktorem terapii zajęciowej.Obecnie w strakcie studiów z psychologii spec.psychologia kliniczna i osobowości. Prowadzę konsultacje pedagogiczne dla dzieci, rodziców, opiekunów (m.in. problemy wychowawcze, emocjonalne, rówieśnicze, szkolne, adaptacyjne).

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Specialist avatar

mgr Beata Szwedo

Therapist, Pedagogue, Psychotraumatolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, EMDR, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Autism, ACoA Syndrom, Dyslexia, Communication in life, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 45min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem psychotraumatologiem, pedagogiem z 25-letnim stażem pracy, jestem terapeutą pedagogicznym, jestem terapeutą dla dzieci z autyzmem i zespołem Aspergera, oligofrenopedagogiem. Ukończyłam studia magisterskie z zakresu psychotraumatologii na Collegium Humanum w Warszawie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Rafał Kwiecień

Support package, Therapist, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Pedagogue, Addiction therapist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Addiction therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:Aggression, Alcoholism, Borderline personality disorder, Alcoholic disease, ACoA Syndrom, FAS, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Shyness, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Trauma, Addiction, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Anxiety disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Specjalizuję się w terapii uzależnień i współuzależnieniach/DDA/DDD. Prowadzę terapię uzależnień od substancji (alkohol, narkotyki,leki itp) oraz uzależnień behawioralnych (hazard, pracoholizm, telefon, internet itp). Prowadzę terapię dla dorosłych i młodzieży.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Ewelina Habas


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Allergies, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Bulimia, Affective disorder, FAS, Phobias, Migraine, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Transsexualism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Voracity, Mourning, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 45min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 300,00 zł

Jestem psychoterapeutą, członkiem Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychoterapii Psychodynamicznej, założycielką i kierowniczką Gabinetu Psychoterapii Self-Made Person. Wspieram ludzi w sytuacjach kryzysowych, pomagam im w trudnych sytuacjach życiowych, myślach i emocjach. Specjalizuję się w pracy psychoterapeutycznej z dziećmi i młodzieżą. Prowadzę również psychoterapię indywidualną dorosłych oraz par.

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Specialist avatar

spec. Mateusz Łętowski

Coach, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Self-presentation, ACoA Syndrom, Depression, Adolescence, Anxiety - neurosis, Migraine, Overweight and obesity, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Personal development, Self-realization, Stress
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Nazywam się Mateusz, jestem praktykiem metody IFS (Internal Family System, lub System Wewnętrznej Rodziny). Prowadzę sesję terapeutyczne z wykorzystaniem tej właśnie metody, w której wspólnie podążamy za procesem, wsłuchujemy się w potrzeby części, oraz poszukujemy drogi do źródła – JA, czyli niezbywalnym centrum każdego człowieka.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Klaudia Cieklinska

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Aggression, Self-presentation, Depression, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł

I am a clinical psychologist who conducts therapy in English and Polish based on a solution focused approach (SFBT) using mindfulness techniques that help, among others, reduce stress and tension.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Tomasz Ignacak

Psychologist, Sexologist, Crisis intervention, Clinical psychologist, Psychotraumatolog, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Simonton therapy, EMDR, Educational kinesiology
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Problems with memory, Personal development, Self-realization, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Transsexualism, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Behavioural disorders, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 500,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 350,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 720,00 zł

Jestem dyplomowanym psychologiem ze specjalnością kliniczną, diagnostą, seksuologiem klinicznym, psychotraumatologiem, terapeutą simontonowskim, terapeutą TRE. Dawniej Monika Ignacak. Aktualnie jestem w trakcie procesu korekty płci.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agnieszka Ortman

Psychologist, Crisis intervention, Clinical psychologist, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Simonton therapy, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Anorexia, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Skin diseases, Adolescence, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Violence, Employer Branding, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loss of a loved one , Transsexualism, Profile brand, Codependency, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem dyplomowanym psychologiem ze specjalnością kliniczną. W trakcie studiów odbyłam praktyki w Centrum Psychiatrii w Katowicach im. Krzysztofa Czumy na Oddziale Psychiatrycznym IV Zaburzeń Afektywnych i Nerwicowych dla pacjentów z zaburzeniami afektywnymi i z zaburzeniami osobowości.

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mgr Iwona Borowska

Psychologist, Therapist, Support package, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Career counselor, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication in life, Mobbing, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Trauma, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Behavioural disorders, Betrayal, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Nazywam się Iwona Borowska i od wielu lat pracuję z dziećmi, młodzieżą i osobami dorosłymi.

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mgr Wojciech Jura

Psychologist, Coach, Business psychologist, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Existential therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Personal brand, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Decrease in performance and immunity, Stress, Addiction, Profile brand, Burnout, Eating disorders, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

I'm an MBA graduate with 20 years of sales experience.
I have also completed a few learning programs:
Coaching Course with accreditation from European Mentoring and Coaching Council,
A yearly course in Psychological Assistance,
An eight weeks study in Motivational Interviewing,
A Habit Coach certification on Coach.me.

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spec. Laura Marta Kasprowicz

Psychologist, Addiction therapist, Support package, Mediator, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Psychodietician, Therapist, Trainer, Life Coach, Arteterapist, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 75min  ‑ 190,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 140,00 zł

44 years old. Behavioral addiction therapist, anthropologist, philosopher of culture, social psychologist, psychodietician. The cognitive-behavioral trend, focused on solutions and mindfulness. After training course of transactional analysis and the theory of schemas.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Tomasz Puczkowski

Psychologist, Support package, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Mania, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Nicotine addiction, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome
Price list: 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem empatycznym i spokojnym psychologiem zainteresowanym rozwojem swojej kariery w kierunku psychoterapii Gestalt. Moją pracę wyróżnia kierowanie się etyką zawodową oraz chęć zrozumienia drugiej osoby.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Daria Kaźmierczyk - Romańczyk

Psychologist, Child psychologist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Autism, Dyslexia, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Tics, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Sleep disturbance, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 1h  ‑ 125,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 125,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 80,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł

Od 10 lat pracuje z dziećmi i młodzieżą jako animator i wolontariusz, natomiast od 8 lat jako wychowawca kolonijny. Odbywałam praktyki i staże na wszystkich etapach edukacji szkolnej, a także w Młodzieżowym Ośrodku Wychowawczym i Niepublicznej Poradni Psychologiczno- Pedagogicznej. Posiadam także doświadczenie w prowadzeniu warsztatów szkoleń dla uczniów, rodziców i nauczycieli.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Magdalena Galus

Psychologist, Support package, Crisis intervention, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Psychotraumatolog, Therapist, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Interpersonal therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Autism, Bulimia, Kidney disease, Skin diseases, Cardiovascular disease, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Phobias, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 110,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

My principle in life is: authenticity. My role as a psychologist and therapist is to accompany and support you or your close one. Therapy is a process of searching for yourself and I will lead in the most convenient way, suited to the needs and situation.

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mgr Maria Stemplewska

Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist, Coach, Therapist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Addiction therapy, Open Dialogue, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, FAS, Hypochondria, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 400,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 230,00 zł

Kocham psy :)

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mgr Tomasz Kurczyna

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Home visits

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł

Ukończyłem Psychologię kliniczną człowieka dorosłego na Uniwersytecie Humanistycznospołecznym SWPS w Katowicach oraz 4-letnie szkolenia psychoterapeutyczne w nurcie humanistyczno-egzystencjalnym Gestalt (Instytut Integralnej Psychoterapii Gestalt w Krakowie).
Uczestniczyłem w wielu treningach, warsztatach, szkoleniach i konferencjach.

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Specialist avatar

dr Piotr Pudło

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Business psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Phobias, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Anxiety disorders, Panic syndrome
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł

W swojej pracy bazuję na założeniach terapii behawioralnej i poznawczej (Stosowana Analiza Zachowania, Terapia ACT, Racjonalna Terapia Zachowania) wspierając je metodami psychoterapii Gestalt oraz Analizy Transakcyjnej (certyfikaty Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologii Behawioralnej oraz Instytutu Terapii Gestalt).

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mgr Ewa Rachwalska

Dietician, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Other
Help Areas:Anorexia, Bulimia, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Ailments associated with digestion, Hyperlipidaemia, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Decrease in performance and immunity, Hormonal disorders, Eating disorders, Voracity, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł

Nazywam się Ewa Rachwalska, jestem psychologiem (studia magisterskie), dietetykiem (studia podyplomowe) oraz coachem (studia podyplomowe). Ukończyłam również szereg szkoleń z zakresu psychoterapii, psychologii odżywiania oraz dietetyki.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Klaudia Borkowska

Psychologist, Child psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Other
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Autism, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Trauma, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 50,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł

Od 2016 roku pracuję z dziećmi oraz rodzicami. Ukończyłam psychologię na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim na ścieżkach specjalizacyjnych psychologia kliniczna dziecka oraz psychologia edukacji i rodziny. Zdobyłam także uprawnienia pedagogiczne do pracy nauczycielskiej i certyfikacje Trenera TUS. Ukończyłam studia podyplomowe z wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dziecka.

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Specialist avatar

spec. Daria Kocot


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Business communication, Communication in life, Divorce, Betrayal
Price list: 15min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 105min  ‑ 250,00 zł

Jestem mediatorką wpisaną na listę stałych mediatorów sądowych przy Sądzie Okręgowym w Opolu. Prowadzę mediacje sądowe i umowne.
Specjalizuję się w mediacjach rodzinnych, cywilnych i pracowniczych.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Magdalena Taraszka

Coach, Mentor, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Self-presentation, Communication competence, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Stress, Profile brand, Burnout, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem dyplomowanym coachem, socjologiem, aktualnie rozwijam się na studiach psychologicznych.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Barbara Cholewa

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist, Adolescent Psychologist, Psychotraumatolog, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, EMDR, Open Dialogue, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Addiction, Alcoholism, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Social anxiety, Sexual harassment, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Sexoholism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 45min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 200,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, certyfikowanym psychoteraerapeutą uzależnień i współuzależnienia, psychotraumatologiem, terapeutą EMDR, psychoterapeutą poznawczo-behawioralnym. Zajmuję się prowadzeniem terapii indywidulanej i grupowej dla dorosłych i młodzieży .
Zajmuje się poradnictwem psychologicznym w kryzysie, lęku i stresie dla młodzieży i dorosłych.

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Specialist avatar

spec. Jarosław Wieczorek

Coach, Mediator, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Motivation, Problems of couples, Divorce, Toxic relationship, Betrayal, Change
Price list: 45min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 300,00 zł

Witam serdecznie na moim profilu. Nazywam się Jarosław Wieczorek i jestem MEDIATOREM i NEGOCJATOREM. Specjalizuję się jednak głównie w mediacjach rodzinnych, partnerskich, małżeńskich i przedmałżeńskich. Jeżeli więc Twoja rodzina, związek, przeżywa trudności i nie potrafisz porozumieć się ze swoim partnerem, a wasz konflikt eskaluje...

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Specialist avatar

mgr Kaja Gurbisz

Psychologist, Business psychologist, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Aspociality, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 230,00 zł, 105min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 700,00 zł

Masz wrażenie, że stoisz w miejscu? Chciał(a)byś coś zmienić w swoim życiu prywatnym lub zawodowym, ale nie wiesz, jak się za to zabrać? Terapia Skoncentrowana na Rozwiązaniach (TSR) może być odpowiednim wsparciem – skupimy się na Twoich zasobach, mocnych stronach i przyszłości, bez nadmiernej analizy przeszłości.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Łukasz Wolanin

Psychologist, Support package, Crisis intervention, Clinical psychologist, Crisis coach, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Open Dialogue, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, Assertiveness, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Hypochondria, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 30,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 30,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem.Na co dzień pracuje w Szpitalu na oddziale opieki długoterminowej,dla pacjentów z otępieniem i chorobą Alzheimera.
W obszarze moich zainteresowań jest interwencja kryzysowa.Wsparcie w trudnych przeżyciach.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agnieszka Sprawka

Psychologist, Sexologist, Support package, Adolescent Psychologist, Psychotraumatolog, Psychodietician, Career counselor, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Orphan disease, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

O psychologu

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Specialist avatar

mgr Elżbieta Wrona

Psychologist, Therapist, Adolescent Psychologist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Sexoholism, Decrease in performance and immunity, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 300,00 zł

psycholog, psychoterapeuta w trakcie szkolenia, Trener TUS, Trener Biznesu i Sprzedaży, certyfikowany trener DISC, członek zarządu Stowarzyszenia Konsultantów i Trenerów Zarządzania MATRIK.

W pracy psychologa wykorzystuje:

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Specialist avatar

mgr Izabela Koczur

Psychologist, Crisis intervention, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Open Dialogue, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, Anorexia, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, Orphan disease, FAS, Phobias, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Burnout, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, certyfikowanym trenerem odporności psychicznej oraz terapeutą trzeciej fali nauk kontekstualnych (ACT, FAP, CFT).

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spec. Dominika Rose

Coach, Mentor, Career counselor, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Self-presentation, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Leadership, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Profile brand, Burnout, Career management, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 0,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł

Cześć! Jestem Dominika.
Uczę kobiety jak mimo lęku, odważnie dokonywać zmian, aby czuły spełnienie w życiu i karierze.

Marzę o tym, aby żadna kobieta nie musiała rezygnować z siebie. Aby z moją pomocą poczuła swoje wyjątkowe talenty i zobaczyła, że są one wystarczające do zbudowania wymarzonego życia.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Anna Mikułko

Coach, Therapist, Support package, Mediator, Crisis intervention, Pedagogue, Psychotraumatolog, Career counselor, Crisis coach, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:EMDR, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, Autism, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Dyslexia, FAS, Communication competence, Communication in life, Motivation, Mutism, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 15min  ‑ 110,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

I am a psychotraumatologist with extensive experience in therapy for individuals affected by trauma, often stemming from challenging childhood experiences such as Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA). My therapeutic practice is grounded in a deep understanding of trauma's effects and effective support for patients in their mental healing journey.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Nadia Hajdas


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Overweight and obesity, Eating disorders, Voracity
Price list: 2h  ‑ 699,00 zł

I am a psychodietician and help people to fix their relationship with food. I held online individual training. The offer is relevant for people who suffer being all the time in a cycle of diet/eating restrictions -> overeating and so on. Intuitive eating is the most natural, physiological and comfortable way of loosing weight and getting back harmony in your eating patterns.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Anna Łubkowska

Psychologist, Sports psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:ADHD, Autism, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personal development, Self-realization, Decrease in performance and immunity, Stress, Sanity
Price list: 50min  ‑ 80,00 zł


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Specialist avatar

mgr Urszula Jędrzejczyk

Psychologist, Coach, Adolescent Psychologist, Sports psychologist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem Ula.
Skończyłam jednolite studia magisterskie na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Warszawie. W trakcie studiów byłam na specjalności - Relacje między ludzkie, a potem wybrałam się na specjalizację - Sport i aktywność fizyczna.

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Specialist avatar

dr Agata Malecha

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy
Help Areas:ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Autism, Depression, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Anxiety - neurosis, Motivation, Mutism, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Shyness, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Stress, Tics, Toxic relationship, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem i psychoterapeutą systemowym w procesie certyfikacji. W zawodzie psychologa pracuję od 20 lat, a w roli psychoterapeuty od 3 lat. Pracuję z dziećmi, młodzieżą i dorosłymi, a także z całymi rodzinami. Pasjonuje mnie także współpraca z seniorami.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Małgorzata Kmita

Psychologist, Coach, Support package, Therapist, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Personal brand, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Problems with memory, Leadership, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 210,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 320,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 320,00 zł

Psychologist and Life Coach with the British CBT certificate and the American Transformation Academy certificates, with international professional experience.

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Specialist avatar

spec. Karolina Mentel


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Autism, Dyslexia, Communication competence, Motivation, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł


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Specialist avatar

mgr Karolina Król Groszek

Psychologist, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Alzheimer's disease, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Orphan disease, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Dyslexia, FAS, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Insulin resistance, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Personal brand, Migraine, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Psychosis, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 350,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 2h  ‑ 600,00 zł

Ukończyłam psychologię na Uniwersytecie im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Od zawsze lubiłam pomagać innym ludziom, sprawia mi to ogromna radość i daje satysfakcję. W związku z dalszym rozwojem skończyłam szkolenie z Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach (TSR) I oraz II stopnia oraz szkolenie z interwencji w kryzysie w modelu ACT.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Magdalena Nowakowska

Psychologist, Business psychologist, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Aggression, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Anorexia nervous, Business communication, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Trauma, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Voracity, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 50min  ‑ 140,00 zł

Nazywam się Nowakowska Magdalena. Jestem magistrem psychologii oraz coachem. Udzielam konsultacji psychologicznych drogą online. Współpracuje z fundacjami, biorę udział w szkoleniach. Prowadzę również webinary dotyczące psychodietetyki oraz nagrywam podcasty o psychologii.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Edyta Jatczak

Psychologist, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Self-presentation, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Burnout, Anxiety disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 80min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł

Nazywam się Edyta Jatczak i wdrażam skuteczne metody, aby pomóc zrozumieć siebie i umożliwić przyjęcie nowych postaw wobec różnych sytuacji życiowych.

Ważne jest, aby pamiętać, że terapia nie jest magiczną pigułką ani nie gwarantuje szybkiej poprawy. Terapia to proces leczenia, który wymaga uczestnictwa i zaangażowania, zarówno ze strony klienta, jak i terapeuty.

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spec. Patrycja Derda

Coach, Therapist, Mediator, Mentor, Pedagogue, Speaker, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Couples therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, ACoA Syndrom, Communication competence, Communication in life, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Betrayal, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 50,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 190,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 50,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 240,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 220,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł

Pedagog z wieloletnim doświadczeniem, studentka Life Coaching College. Coach w trakcie akredytacji ICF. Współtwórca programu "Mama na plus". Posiadam doświadczenie w pracy z dorosłymi oraz dziećmi. Ukończone szkolenia: Silva Intuition System, Silva Emotion System, OCD- praca psychoterapeutyczna z osobą przejawiającą zaburzenia obsesyjno- kompulsywne.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Mirela Zięcina

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Adoption, Aggression, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Migraine, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Leadership, Psychosis, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Gastrointestinal diseases, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 75min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 280,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł

Jestem magistrem psychologii, terapeutką EMDR, coachem oraz psychoterapeutką (ukończyłam 2 lata szkolenia w nurcie Gestalt, obecnie mam przerwę). Studia z psychologii oraz kurs coachingowy ukończyłam na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Katowicach.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Damian Kasza

Psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Home visits

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Open Dialogue, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Assertiveness, Autism, ACoA Syndrom, Symptoms of the menopause period, Dyslexia, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Mobbing, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 280,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 60,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 480,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 50,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł

Współpracuje niezależnie od kultury, wyznawanej religii, systemu wartości LGBT-friendly.

Sesje prowadzę w sposób sprzyjający budowie relacji opartej o, poczucie bezpieczeństwa, dobierając odpowiednią technikę, oraz formę wsparcia.

Osoby dorosłe zapraszam do wspólnej pracy w obszarach:

profilaktyka zdrowia psychicznego,

kryzys, konflikt w rodzinie,

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Specialist avatar

mgr Paulina Serwejuk-Gawłowska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Support package, Crisis coach, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Divorce, Personal development, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Behavioural disorders, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem magistrem psychologii oraz certyfikowanym coachem z doświadczeniem w pracy jako trener grupowy oraz w pracy indywidualnej z klientem.

Najważniejsze w pracy indywidualnej jest dla mnie relacja z moim z klientem, przestrzeń otwartości, braku oceniania, swobody i bliskości komunikacyjnej na tyle by klient otrzymał dla siebie jak najwiecej, czuł się jak najlepiej.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Ilona Koszel-Żebrowska

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Crisis intervention, Psychotraumatolog, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Autism, ACoA Syndrom, Symptoms of the menopause period, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem oraz dyplomowanym coachem, w trakcie kształcenia podyplomowego z zakresu interwencji kryzysowej
i psychotraumatologii. Jestem członkinią Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Terapeutów Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach.
Doświadczenie zdobywałam miedzy innymi podczas współpracy z Centrum Interwencji Kryzysowej w Lublinie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Marszałkiewicz

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Pedagogue

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Adoption, Aggression, Aspociality, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Phobias, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł

Pracuję z osobami dorosłymi, zarówno z kobietami jak i mężczyznami którym towarzyszą różnego rodzaju kryzysy związane z poszukiwaniem własnego JA, budowaniem poczucia własnej wartości czy odnalezieniem sensu życia i siebie na nowo.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Barbara Flasińska

Psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Loneliness, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Panic syndrome
Price list: 45min  ‑ 140,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 120,00 zł

Nazywam się Barbara Flasińska. Ukończyłam 5 letnie studia magisterskie na kierunku psychologia w Wyższej Szkole Ekonomii i Innowacji w Lublinie. Uczestniczyłam także w 4 letnim kursie terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej na SWPS w Warszawie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Monika Stryjewska-Rusak

Psychologist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Assertiveness, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Trauma, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Behavioural disorders, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł

Konsultacje dla rodziców i psychologia małego dziecka

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Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Kata

Psychologist, Therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Psychosynthesis, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Business communication, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Leadership, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Burnout, Anxiety disorders, Sleep disturbance
Price list: 15min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 140,00 zł

Witaj na moim profilu. Zanim zaczniesz czytać dalej - nabierz głęboki wdech przez nos, wypełnij nim brzuch, następnie klatkę piersiową - po czym wypuść nosem spokojny, długi wydech, zaczynając od brzucha i kończąc na klatce piersiowej.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Elżbieta Kuchta

Psychologist, Therapist, Psychogerontolog, Psychotraumatolog, Home visits

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Alzheimer's disease, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Communication competence, Mania, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Dementia, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Personal development, Self-realization, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Behavioural disorders, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł

Jestem absolwentką psychologii o specjalności psychologia kliniczna i zdrowia oraz studiów podyplomowych w zakresie Psychogerontologia: specjalista ds. seniorów na Uniwersytecie Humanistycznospołecznym SWPS.

Wzbogaciłam swój warsztat o kurs podstawowy oraz zaawansowany Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach w CTSR Sopot.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Ewelina Surawska

Psychotherapist, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Adoption, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

"Dawno temu nauczyłem się, że jeżeli dwoje ludzi ma jakiś problem i nie rozmawia o tym, to nie jest w stanie rozmawiać o żadnych innych ważnych rzeczach. To miejsce tutaj - wskazałem na przestrzeń między nami - musi być wolne od wszelkich niedomówień."
Irvin David Yalom, Mama i sens życia. Opowieści psychoterapeutyczne

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Specialist avatar

mgr Kamila Kubista

Psychologist, Coach, Business psychologist, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Leadership, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł

Moją misją jest sprawianie, że ludzie potrafią lepiej się komunikować z innymi i z samym sobą, co prowadzi do poprawienia jakości życia i zmienienia świata - zarówno ich, jak i całego wokół nas - na lepsze. Słucham, obserwuję, wspieram w poszukiwaniu najlepszej drogi do celu. Jestem psycholożką, trenerką biznesu i coachem w trakcie certyfikacji.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Łukasz Banach

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Crisis intervention, Adolescent Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Therapist, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Open Dialogue, Behavioral therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Adoption, Aggression, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Leadership, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Behavioural disorders, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

I entered the road of self-development over 20 years ago when I, myself needed some support. Now I realise that it was a revolutionary time for me which started the road of constant development, where discovering the world, myself and others are dominating factors. I graduated Clinical Psychology and Mental Health at Cardiff/Swansea Universities in Wales, UK and I got my Masters Degree.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Izabela Krzywicka

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Clinical psychologist, Pedagogue, Psychotraumatolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, ACoA Syndrom, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Communication in life, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 260,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 220,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 190,00 zł

Dear Patient ..

I hold master degree in psychology from SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Sopot, Poland.
I completed postgraduate studies in Clinical Psychology at Medical University of Gdańsk

Currently, I have started postgraduate studies programme in Psychotraumatology at the SWPS University in Sopot.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agata Maria Aleksińska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Superwizor, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Structural therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Borderline personality disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Social anxiety, Obsessions, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 240,00 zł

Witaj. Z wykształcenia jestem psychologiem o specjalności klinicznej, dyplomowanym i certyfikowanym psychoterapeutą. Pracuję w nurcie integracyjnym - dostosowuję metody do osoby, specyfiki problemu, z którym się zgłasza i jej potrzeb.

Posiadam blisko kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie zawodowe związane z pracą z pacjentami PZP oraz hospitalizowanymi psychiatrycznie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Kinga Madej

Psychologist, Sports psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Communication competence, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Personal development, Self-realization, Sanity
Price list: 1h  ‑ 170,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 85,00 zł

As a sports psychologist, my main focus is to provide support to athletes and coaches in the area of mental skills, with the ultimate goal of improving their performance and realizing their aspirations. My practice covers a wide range of sports disciplines, including both amateur and professional levels.

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mgr Jolanta Poźniak

Mentor, Psychotraumatolog, Therapist, Asystent zdrowienia

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Gestalt therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Aggression, Aspociality, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Voracity, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 125,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 60,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 160,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 475,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 585,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł

Jolanta Poźniak - EKSPERT przez DOŚWIADCZENIE w opiece psychiatrycznej
Od dziecka fascynował mnie świat niewidzialny. Jako mała dziewczynka zbierałam kwiaty, a następnie z ich płatków tworzyłam obrazy, które zakopywałam w ziemi. Potem, co jakiś czas, odkopywałam je i z przeogromną ciekawością patrzyłam, jak się zmieniają…

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Specialist avatar

mgr Karolina Bladowska

Psychotherapist, Therapist, Crisis intervention, Pedagogue, Addiction therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Open Dialogue, HOME VISIT - ask for the city
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, ACoA Syndrom, Dyslexia, Phobias, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Tics, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Alcoholic disease, Profile brand, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 220,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 155,00 zł

Jestem w trakcie szkolenia psychoterapeutycznego w nurcie poznawczo- behawioralnym, co pozwoli mi na poszerzenie kompetencji. Dodatkowo pracuję w szkołach, gdzie zajmuję się dziećmi i młodzieżą oraz pozostaję w stałym kontakcie z ich rodzicami.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Krzysztof Szelc


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Gestalt therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Allergies, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Arthralgia, Borderline personality disorder, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Affective disorder, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Phobias, Hypochondria, Anorexia nervous, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Employer Branding, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Gastrointestinal diseases, Sexoholism, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Transsexualism, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Voracity, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jako psychoterapeuta Gestalt zapraszam Cię do relacji psychoterapeutycznej ze mną, z samym sobą , ze światem.

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mgr Celina Jachym

Psychologist, Support package, Psychotraumatolog, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aspociality, Adolescence, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 80,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 110,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 25,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

Jestem absolwentką 5-letnich studiów magisterskich Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie. Ukończyłam studia podyplomowe z zakresu psychotraumatologii. Uczestniczyłam w szkoleniach z zakresu, m.in.: Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach, Racjonalnej Terapii Zachowania, Stosowanej Analizy Zachowania, Treningu Umiejętności Społecznych, czy interwencji kryzysowej.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Anna Amalia Iwanow

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Open Dialogue
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Anorexia, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, FAS, Phobias, Business communication, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Urinary incontinence, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Educational problems with children, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Loss of a loved one , Nicotine addiction, Behavioural disorders, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I have extensive professional experience. I have been a member of Polish Psychologu Assossience since 2012. I am trained in psychology, pedagogical preparation, psychology of transport, and coaching. I know English and French (certificate, studies). I have been an honorary blood donor since '99. I have references.

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mgr Aleksandra Osińska

Pedagogue, Psychodietician

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Shyness, ADHD, Aggression, Allergies, Anorexia, Aspociality, Bulimia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Thyroid disease, Diabetes, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Dyslexia, FAS, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Communication in life, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Educational problems with children, Violence, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Codependency, Eating disorders, Behavioural disorders, Voracity, Asperger's syndrome, Polycystic ovary syndrome
Price list: 45min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jeśli próbowaliście już wszystkiego i macie wrażenie, że wciąż kręcicie się w kółko zmagając się z problemami odżywiania, to oznacza, że dotarliście we właściwe miejsce.
Psychodietetyk - położna – pedagog– arterapeuta

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Specialist avatar

mgr Marta Lutomska, ICF ACC

Coach, Support package, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 15min  ‑ 5,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 220,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 650,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

➡️ Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed and not sure what’s next for you?
➡️ Thinking about career transition, relocation or lifestyle change?
➡️ Don’t know what you want?
➡️ Lacking clarity and direction?
➡️ Do you feel that you are not living up to your full potential?

I get you.
Let's talk.

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mgr Ewa Bielecka (Mryczko)

Coach, Mentor, Career counselor, Trainer, Life Coach, Pakiet praca

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Burnout, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 350,00 zł

Pracuje jako life & business coach.

Specjalizuje się w szeroko pojętej zmianie - osobistej jak i zawodowej. Pomagam podjąć decyzje o zmianie, zaplanować ją, wprowadzić w życie oraz przejść proces z punktu A do B.

Działam indywidualnie podczas sesji 1:1, a także z całymi zespołami i organizacjami.

Promuje idee małych kroków.

Spotkajmy się online.

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Specialist avatar

dr Beata Świątek

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Child psychologist, Pedagogue, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy
Help Areas:Shyness, Aggression, Aspociality, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Personality disorders, Behavioural disorders, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 350,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, psychoterapeutą (w trakcie certyfikacji), pedagogiem i wykładowcą akademickim oraz autorem publikacji naukowych. Szczególnie interesuje mnie praca z dziećmi i młodzieżą wykazującymi zaburzenia zachowania i emocji oraz ze Spektrum Autyzmu. W ramach pracy zawodowej projektuję i prowadzę treningi krytycznego myślenia, wnioskowania moralnego i umiejętności społecznych.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Sandra Brudzińska

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Sports psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Stress, Assertiveness, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Leadership, Personal development, Self-realization, Profile brand, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem klinicznym, psychologiem sporu i aktualnie ubiegam się o miano Interwenta Kryzysowego (jestem w trakcie szkolenia).
Pracuję w nurcie terapii skoncentrowanej na rozwiązaniach w obszarze zagadnień związanych z rozwojem osobistym, motywacją, radzeniem sobie ze stresem.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Kinga Kozioł

Psychologist, Child psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, TEAMCBT, Cognitive therapy, eCPR, Behavioral therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Autism, Communication in life, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Psychosis, Self-realization, Behavioural disorders, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Change
Price list: 45min  ‑ 60,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 60,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 60,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 60,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 60,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 50,00 zł

I am a psychologist, oligophrenopedagogue, autism diagnostician and therapist, music teacher and professional musician.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Zosia Pardela

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Violence, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Toxic relationship, Trauma, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Sleep disturbance, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł

If you feel like every day is a fight for survival, I’d love to help you. Through therapy you can turn the critical voice in your head into a voice that's more supportive and compassionate. I'll teach you practical strategies to be with your emotions without getting overwhelmed.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agata Wasilkiewicz

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Aspociality, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 50min  ‑ 230,00 zł

Jestem psycholożką i psychoterapeutką poznawczo- behawioralną. Pracuję głównie w nurcie CBT, jednak często korzystam również z technik Terapii Schematów. Prowadzę indywidualną psychoterapię dla osób od 16 r.ż.
Doświadczenie w pracy z osobami z różnymi trudnościami zdobywam od 2012r.
Obszarami, w których posiadam największe kompetencje i doświadczenie to:

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Specialist avatar

mgr Paulina Czajkowska

Psychologist, Therapist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Aspociality, FAS, Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Emotional disorders, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem, terapeutą rodzinnym i familiologiem. Pracuję terapeutycznie w nurcie systemowym z całym systemem rodzinnym (terapia rodzinna) oraz w ramach poszczególnych podsystemów (terapia dla par, terapia dzieci i młodzieży). Prowadzę także konsultacje wychowawcze i poradnictwo dla rodziców. 

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Specialist avatar

mgr Sara Gawron

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Addiction therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Suicidal thoughts, Low self-esteem, Personality, Violence, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Mourning, Sanity, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 170,00 zł

Jestem absolwentką psychologii (dyplom UJ nr 1112833), certyfikowaną specjalistką psychoterapii uzależnień (certyfikat PARPA nr 2281), a także certyfikowaną psychoterapeutką poznawczo-behawioralną (certyfikat PTTPB nr 1795). Pracą w dziedzinie zdrowia psychicznego zajmuję się od 2016 roku. Jako psychoterapeutka wykorzystuję głównie podejście poznawczo-behawioralne i strategiczno-strukturalne.

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spec. Tomasz Rudnicki

Coach, Therapist, Mentor, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Adoption, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Alcoholic disease, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 500,00 zł


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Specialist avatar

mgr Ewelina Prigan

Psychologist, Therapist, Clinical psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Toxic relationship, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Voracity, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 260,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 260,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 260,00 zł

Dzień dobry, jest mi niezmiernie miło gościć Państwa na moim profilu.

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spec. Ania Osiecka

Coach, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Hypnotherapy
Help Areas:Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Personal brand, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Leadership, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Burnout, Career management, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 1.5h  ‑ 415,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 415,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem coachem „Brakującego Elementu”. Pracuje z ludźmi, którzy nie mają w swoim życiu tego, co dla nich najważniejsze. Pomagam odkryć, zrozumieć i pokonać wszelkie przeszkody, aby w końcu zaczęli żyć życiem jakiego pragną.

Robię to w 3 odsłonach.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Aleksandra Trochanowska-Źrołka

Psychologist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Aggression, Autism, Communication competence, Communication in life, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Mutism, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Emotional disorders, Sleep disturbance, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem. Oferuję Ci indywidualną pomoc psychologiczną oraz empatyczne wsparcie w kryzysie psychicznym.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Emilia Ślimko

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Integrative therapy, Cognitive therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Affective disorder, Phobias, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Mobbing, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 165,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem oraz psychoterapeutą poznawczo-behawioralnym w trakcie certyfikacji. Pracuję w oparciu o metody i techniki pomagające zmieniać schematy myślenia i kluczowe przekonania, które często przyczyniają się do wewnętrznego cierpienia.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Matylda Marczak

Coach, Therapist, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Business psychologist, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Problems of couples, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Profile brand, Burnout, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 15min  ‑ 19,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 190,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 550,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 1 200,00 zł

Jestem akredytowanym coachem, mentorem i superwizorem oraz praktykiem terapii IFS, Posiadam akredytację III stopnia Senior Coacha & Mentora. Jestem także certyfikowanym facilitatorem Grup i Zespołów.

Prowadzę własną praktykę zawodową oraz pracuję w Instytucie Treningu i Psychoterapii w Laboratorium Psychoedukacji w Warszawie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Katarzyna Diduszko

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, EMDR, Gestalt therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Adoption, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Migraine, Sexual harassment, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 185,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 185,00 zł, 15min  ‑ 70,00 zł

Jestem magistrem psychologii, dyplomowanym psychoterapeutą w trakcie procesu certyfikacji, terapeutą EMDR oraz trenerem Mindfulness (MBLC). Ukończyłam stacjonarne jednolite studia magisterskie na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim.

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mgr Dorota Izworska

Coach, Therapist, Support package, Mentor, Business psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Addiction therapist, Career counselor, Speaker, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska, Home visits

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Addiction therapy, Open Dialogue, Couples therapy, Interpersonal therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Adolescence, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hypochondria, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Alcoholic disease, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 180,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 0,00 zł

I invite you on a therapeutic journey that will support you through challenges, enrich your life, and lead to fulfillment.

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mgr Monika Kreft

Coach, Pedagogue, Career counselor, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Procrastination, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, ACoA Syndrom, Communication competence, Communication in life, Low self-esteem, Personal development, Self-realization, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 350,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 130,00 zł

- Czujesz się przytłoczona swoją sytuacją zawodową lub życiową?
- Wkurzasz się, że tkwisz w tej samej firmie od lat?
- Obwiniasz się, bo nie możesz znaleźć satysfakcjonującej pracy?
- Wątpisz w siebie i swoje umiejętności?
- Brak Ci wiary w siebie?

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mgr Aleksandra Swoszowska

Psychologist, Sexologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Adoption, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Personal brand, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Sexoholism, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1.5h  ‑ 200,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł

Każdy z nas jest najlepszym ekspertem od samego siebie - Ty również. Posiadasz wszystko, co potrzebujesz, aby żyć w zgodzie ze sobą, z innymi, ze światem, i uczyć się być szczęśliwym / szczęśliwą - po Twojemu. Moją rolą jest towarzyszenie Ci w odkryciu, co najlepiej służy, aby tak właśnie się działo.

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spec. Urszula Lapinska

Coach, Therapist, Mentor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Open Dialogue, Couples therapy, Hypnotherapy, Other
Help Areas:Stress, Personality, Problems of couples, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Self-realization, Toxic relationship, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł

● Nowa Ścieżka- Jak być poza ruchem religijnym ● Spytaj o termin ● Wiem co to Organizacja ŚJ

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spec. Ewelina Kozioł

Coach, Mentor, Dietician, Therapist, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, Arteterapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, Open Dialogue, Educational kinesiology, Behavioral therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, ADHD, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems with memory, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 120,00 zł


Pomagam ludziom dbać o zdrowie psychiczne, rozwijać swój potencjał i odnajdywać równowagę w życiu.

Z pasją łączę wiedzę z zakresu terapii zajęciowej, dietetyki i psychologii, aby wspierać osoby w pokonywaniu trudności i realizacji ich celów. Wierzę, że każdy może wprowadzić pozytywne zmiany w swoim życiu – wystarczy odpowiednia pomoc i indywidualne podejście.

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mgr Ewa Florek

Coach, Pedagogue, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Open Dialogue, Other
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Self-presentation, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Decrease in performance and immunity, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Burnout, Change
Price list: 0.5h  ‑ 80,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

I am psychological advisor and crisis intervention specjalist, MA of applied linguistics with pedagogical background.
Scope of help:
- employment advising (incl. mock job interview)
- personal issues advising
- crisis intervention
- selfesteem

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mgr Julianna Szwedek-Kupper

Psychologist, Therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Adoption, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Autism, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Divorce, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł

Witam Państwa Serdecznie na moim profilu, jestem magistrem psychologii z przygotowaniem pedagogicznym. Tytuł magistra uzyskałam na SWPS w Sopocie a moją specjalnością jest psychologia kliniczna. Jestem także trenerką umiejętności społecznych oraz ukończyłam I stopień Terapii Skoncentrowanej na rozwiązaniu.

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mgr Magdalena Bobrowska

Psychologist, Therapist, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Problems with memory, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Career management, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity
Price list: 50min  ‑ 280,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 350,00 zł

psycholożka | terapeutka | specjalistka w dziedzinie relacji partnerskich

Jestem psycholożką, terapeutką i doktorantką w Szkole Doktorskiej UKW, obszar moich badań i doświadczeń skupia się w szczególności na satysfakcji ze związku partnerskiego. Poza tym wspieram w sytuacjach zmiany, straty, osamotnienia, trudności w relacjach interpersonalnych, czy kryzysu życiowego lub zawodowego.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Paulina Suchodolska

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Stress, Assertiveness, Aspociality, ACoA Syndrom, Communication competence, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Low self-esteem, Divorce, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 180,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 90,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 100,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jestem magistrem psychologii. Ukończyłam Akademię Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczną w Warszawie na kierunku psychologia kliniczna i psychoterapia. Jestem w trakcie 4 letniego kursu przygotowującego mnie do zdobycia certyfikatu psychoterapeuty poznawczo - behawioralnego.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Weronika Biskupska- Stawiarska

Psychologist, Coach, Business psychologist, Sports psychologist, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Educational problems with children, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Career management, Change
Price list: 45min  ‑ 100,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 170,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 200,00 zł

Dyplomowana psycholożka i coach

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mgr Joanna Latuszek

Coach, Mentor, Speaker, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Anxiety - neurosis, Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Mourning, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 230,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 230,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 350,00 zł

Hi, my name is Joanna. I add people wings, so they can do what they love.

I help to develop soft skills thanks to modern training in the workshop formula and coaching based on Maxwell's methodology and ICF ethics.

John Whitmore said, "Coaching is the recipe for bringing out a person's own potential and making him perform at his best."

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Specialist avatar

mgr Dariusz Michalec

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy
Help Areas:Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Personality, Leadership, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Burnout, Emotional disorders, Career management, Sanity, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 195,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 172,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 450,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 230,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 230,00 zł

I am a practicing psychologist since 1997, specializing in issues related to development, wellbeing, coping with life changes, preventing burnout and strengthening mental resilience. I have a certificate of an environmental therapist of the Polish Psychiatric Association. I work with consulting and coaching methods.

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mgr Małgorzata van Ling

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Assertiveness, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication competence, Business communication, Social anxiety, Motivation, Personality, Problems of couples, Divorce, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Codependency, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem klinicznym i psychoterapeutą poznawczo-behawioralnym i schematu. Pracuję z osobami borykającymi się z różnymi problemami życiowymi i zawodowymi. Magistra z psychologii klinicznej obroniłam na Uniwersytecie SWPS w Warszawie oraz ukończyłam studia podyplomowe i stacjonarne związane z Psychologią w Organizacji na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Mikołaj Paszko


Psychologist describe
Work methods:Integrative therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Aggression, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, Dementia, Adolescence, Phobias, Hypochondria, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Personality, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Loneliness, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Profile brand, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 0.5h  ‑ 70,00 zł, 45min  ‑ 90,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 75min  ‑ 200,00 zł

Jestem psychologiem specjalizującym się w pomocy osobom z różnymi problemami natury psychicznej, między innymi takimi jak: zaburzenia lękowe i depresyjne, zaburzenia psychosomatyczne, zaburzenia identyfikacji płciowej i orientacji seksualnej, a także problemy emocjonalne i adaptacyjne u dzieci i młodzieży.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Agata Bruździńska

Coach, Mentor, Trainer, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Other
Help Areas:Stress, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Personal brand, Motivation, Leadership, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Profile brand, Burnout, Career management, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł

My name is Agata and it will be my pleasure to be your guide on the way to unlocking you potential. Regardless of whether you need support in the area of personal development, management, soft skills, your or your teams' effectiveness - you can count on me.
You have a map, I'll help you read it.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Alina Krzyżewska

Psychotherapist, Psychotraumatolog

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Systemic therapy, Solution-focused therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, ADHD, Adoption, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Autism, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Hypochondria, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Mutism, Low self-esteem, Workaholism, Educational problems with children, Violence, Divorce, Personal development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Mourning, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 150,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 210,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 160,00 zł, 80min  ‑ 220,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 130,00 zł

Jestem psychotraumatologiem, specjalistką diagnozy i terapii integracji sensorycznej od lat pracującą z dziećmi neuroatypowymi, magistrem sztuki.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Paulina Saktura

Psychologist, Coach, Mediator, Crisis intervention, Business psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Integrative therapy, Open Dialogue, Couples therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, Aggression, Alcoholism, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Autism, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Personal brand, Mobbing, Sexual harassment, Motivation, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Low self-esteem, Personality, Dementia, Problems of couples, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Psychosis, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change
Price list: 50min  ‑ 120,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 110,00 zł

Jestem doświadczonym klinicznym psychologiem z ponad 5-letnim doświadczeniem w pracy z różnorodnymi grupami wiekowymi i problemami emocjonalnymi. Posiadam tytuł magistra psychologii klinicznej uzyskany na Uniwersytecie Dolnośląskim DSW. Moje główne obszary specjalizacji to zaburzenia nastroju, depresja, lęki, zaburzenia obsesyjno-kompulsywne oraz traumy.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Alicja Maziarz

Psychologist, Psychotherapist

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, Behavioral therapy
Help Areas:Depression, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Aggression, Allergies, Alcoholism, Borderline personality disorder, Affective disorder, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, Communication in life, Social anxiety, Mania, Suicidal thoughts, Obsessions, Low self-esteem, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Violence, Psychosis, Divorce, Self-mutilation, Schizophrenia, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Sanity, Panic syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder
Price list: 50min  ‑ 190,00 zł

Pracuje głównie z kobietami, które są w trudnych relacjach, gdzie jest obecny, alkohol i narkotyki. Wspieram je w trakcie, przed i po rozwodzie. Pomagam kobietom które mają trudności w budowaniu zdrowych relacji, radzeniu sobie z emocjami, obniżoną samooceną, stanami depresyjnymi i lękowymi.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Klaudia Put

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Business psychologist, Child psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Psychotraumatolog, Psychodietician, Trainer

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Cognitive therapy, eCPR, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy
Help Areas:Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Adoption, Aggression, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Autism, Bulimia, Orphan disease, ACoA Syndrom, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Business communication, Social anxiety, Personal brand, Mobbing, Motivation, Overweight and obesity, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Personality, Problems of couples, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Toxic relationship, Trauma, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Mental disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Sanity, Asperger's syndrome
Price list: 50min  ‑ 200,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 250,00 zł, 50min  ‑ 300,00 zł

Z wykształcenia Psycholog, Psychoterapeuta.
Terapeuta rozwoju osobistego.

Absolwentka psychologii oraz czteroletniej szkoły psychoterapii rekomendowanej przez Polskie Towarszystwo Psychiatryczne.
Członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego. Co daje mi możliwość współpracy z innymi specjalistami i ciągłego rozwoju w moim zawodzie.

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Specialist avatar

mgr Anna Głowik

Psychologist, Coach, Life Coach

Psychologist describe
Work methods:Solution-focused therapy, Other
Help Areas:Insomnia, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Adoption, Aggression, Assertiveness, ACoA Syndrom, Symptoms of the menopause period, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Communication competence, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Migraine, Mobbing, Motivation, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Workaholism, Violence, Leadership, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Self-realization, Loneliness, Loss of a loved one , Toxic relationship, Nicotine addiction, Burnout, Emotional disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Change
Price list: 1h  ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h  ‑ 150,00 zł

Jako psycholog pracuję w poradnictwie psychologicznym - pomagam osobom zdrowym poradzić sobie z kryzysami, które pojawiają się w dorosłym życiu. Jestem dostępna dla wszystkich, którzy czują, że "coś jest nie tak", ale mają problem z określeniem co to dokładnie jest.

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Specialist avatar

spec. Rafał Jarmołowski

Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, Home visits

Psychologist describe