Work methods: | Ericksonian therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Schema therapy, Systemic therapy, Integrative therapy, Psychodynamic therapy, Solution-focused therapy, Structural therapy, Addiction therapy, Cognitive therapy, EMDR, Psychoanalysis, Open Dialogue, Behavioral therapy, Couples therapy, Existential therapy, Interpersonal therapy, Gestalt therapy, HOME VISIT - ask for the city, Hypnotherapy, Other |
Help Areas: | Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety - neurosis, Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Addiction, ADHD, Adoption, Aggression, Allergies, Alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, Anorexia, Assertiveness, Aspociality, Self-presentation, Autism, Arthralgia, Borderline personality disorder, Bulimia, Fat, water and circulation cellulite, Affective disorder, Orphan disease, Kidney disease, Skin diseases, Thyroid disease, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, ACoA Syndrom, Dementia, Adolescence, Symptoms of the menopause period, Ailments associated with digestion, Dyslexia, FAS, Phobias, FOMO (fear of missing out), Hyperlipidaemia, Hypochondria, Insulin resistance, Anorexia nervous, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Konflikty par na tle religijno-kulturowym, Social anxiety, Mania, Personal brand, Migraine, Mobbing, Urinary incontinence, Sexual harassment, Creative morphology, Motivation, Mutism, Suicidal thoughts, Overweight and obesity, Obsessions, Underweight, Food intolerances, Low self-esteem, Cancers, Personality, Dementia, Workaholism, Problems of couples, Educational problems with children, Problems with memory, Violence, Leadership, Psychosis, Divorce, Employer Branding, Personal development, Staff development, Self-mutilation, Self-realization, Loneliness, Schizophrenia, Autoimmune disorders (e.g., Hashimoto's disease), Gastrointestinal diseases, Sexoholism, Decrease in performance and immunity, Loss of a loved one , Tics, Toxic relationship, Transsexualism, Trauma, Alcoholic disease, Nicotine addiction, Profile brand, Codependency, Burnout, Bipolar affective disorder, Emotional disorders, Hormonal disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Eating disorders, Personality disorders, Mental disorders, Sleep disturbance, Behavioural disorders, Compulsive buying disorder, Career management, Voracity, Mourning, Betrayal, Sanity, Angelman syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, Panic syndrome, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Change |
Price list: | 1.5h ‑ 195,00 zł, 1h ‑ 200,00 zł, 1.5h ‑ 280,00 zł, 75min ‑ 250,00 zł, 1.5h ‑ 250,00 zł, 0.5h ‑ 90,00 zł, 1.5h ‑ 250,00 zł, 1h ‑ 200,00 zł, 1.5h ‑ 1 187,50 zł, 1h ‑ 950,00 zł, 1h ‑ 1 800,00 zł, 1.5h ‑ 2 250,00 zł, 1h ‑ 0,00 zł, 1.5h ‑ 0,00 zł |