mgr Kamila Kubista
Business psychologist,
Life Coach,
Work methods: |
Solution-focused therapy, Other, |
Help Areas: |
Shyness, Procrastination, Stress, Assertiveness, Self-presentation, Communication competence, Business communication, Communication in life, Motivation, Leadership, Personal development, Staff development, Self-realization, Career management, Sanity, Change, |
work ways: |
Works with adults, Works with youth, Works with women, Works with men, |
Patient age: |
18+ |
Practice: |
5 years |
Languages: |
Polish, |
Price list:
- Life coaching (wideo) 50min | 100,00 zł |
Click a free slot in the calendar to book a consultation
MondayMon 17 mar |
TuesdayTue 18 mar |
WednesdayWed 19 mar |
ThursdayThu 20 mar |
FridayFri 21 mar |
SaturdaySat 22 mar |
SundaySun 23 mar |
There isn't any free slot in that week
Free cancellation or change of reservation 24h before the visit
Qualifications and experience
2020 Uniwersytet Gdański
w trakcie szkolenia Grupa SET
Company city
- pomorskie
About me
About me (PL):
Moją misją jest sprawianie, że ludzie potrafią lepiej się komunikować z innymi i z samym sobą, co prowadzi do poprawienia jakości życia i zmienienia świata - zarówno ich, jak i całego wokół nas - na lepsze. Słucham, obserwuję, wspieram w poszukiwaniu najlepszej drogi do celu. Jestem psycholożką, trenerką biznesu i coachem w trakcie certyfikacji.
Ask a question
If you would like to ask any question mgr Kamila Kubista , type your message and email in form below. Our specialist will answer your questions as soon as possible.
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