Panic attacks - therapy and drug treatment


Panic syndrome is a state of very strong anxiety accompanied by somatic symptoms.

A panic attack occurs suddenly and increases very quickly. It usually reaches its apogee after ten minutes and then gradually disappears. This feeling is so strong that even after the symptoms are extinguished, "fear of fear" appears and the avoidance of any situations that may be a source of panic.


Causes of panic syndrome


The attacks are caused by biological, social and environmental factors.

The structure of the nervous system and the strength of its response to environmental stimuli may be the reason for a person's panic attacks.

Anxiety can also appear as a learned reaction, resulting from observation of a significant person (parent) presenting a similar pattern of response.


Panic Attack Symptoms:

• sudden feeling of heat; 

• fast heart rate, chest pain; 

• shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation; 

• dizziness, a sense of lack of control over your own behavior; 

• sense of impending disaster, death.    

Panic syndrome treatment

The treatment uses antidepressants and anxiolytics that relieve panic during an attack.


Psychological therapy is based on teaching patients to realistically interpret the symptoms (only as symptoms of anxiety, not the cause of oncoming death). In the therapist's office, panic-like symptoms occur and the patient learns to interpret his impressions correctly.


In 75% - 90% of patients using this type of therapy, the panic symptoms resolved and did not appear for the next two years.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Therapist, Child psychologist, Warszawa

Jestem psychologiem w trakcie certyfikowanego szkolenia psychoterapeutycznego z zakresu terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej. Posiadam doświadczenie w pracy z dorosłymi, dziećmi również z zaburzeniami rozwoju oraz całymi rodzinami. Prowadzę terapię dla osób dorosłych oraz dzieci i młodzieży.

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Psychologist, Therapist, Psychogerontolog, Psychotraumatolog, Home visits, Gdynia

Jestem absolwentką psychologii o specjalności psychologia kliniczna i zdrowia oraz studiów podyplomowych w zakresie Psychogerontologia: specjalista ds. seniorów na Uniwersytecie Humanistycznospołecznym SWPS.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV