Workaholism - online treatment and therapy


Workaholism is a term that describes a behavior in which a person devotes most of his time to work while not being involved in other spheres of life.

Such people have a strong compulsion to work, even despite fatigue and exhaustion. The consequence of this action is neglecting other areas of life (family, friends, hobbies).


This disorder is classified as behavioral addictions.


Causes of workaholism


The cause of workaholism is the ubiquitous pressure resulting from the current labor market. Many companies are focused on the speed and efficiency of work, without taking into account the mental well-being of employees.


People with an obsessive -compulsive, narcissistic personality type and prone to risky behaviors have a greater tendency to workaholism .


The manifestations of workaholism are:


  • constant preoccupation with work, thinking about work;
  • difficulties in interpersonal relations;
  • neglecting other non-work related duties;
  • excessive perfectionism;
  • no ability to switch to 'after work' mode;
  • dominant feeling of anxiety;
  • inability to cope with failures;
  • irritability, fatigue, depressed mood, sleep problems, headaches, stomach aches.


Workaholism treatment


Treatment of workaholism requires a visit to a psychologist. Therapy consists mainly in establishing a specific schedule of the day (with hours strictly devoted to work), learning self-control, changing incorrect patterns and replacing them with adaptive ones. 


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Psychologist, Therapist, Psychodietician, Warszawa

Jestem psychologiem, psychodietetykiem i pedagogiem specjalnym. Posiadam tytuł magistra psychologii oraz studia podyplomowe z psychodietetyki, pedagogiki specjalnej oraz przygotowanie pedagogiczne.

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Therapist, Support package, Dietician, Psychodietician, Addiction therapist, Alfafar (Valencia)

Welcome to my profile! It is not a coincidence that you are here. My name is Daria and I am a professional dietitian and also a great fan of anything that involves nutrition. I enjoy cooking and I savor each bite of food.

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