How to deal with shyness?


Shyness is a mental state which results in difficult contact with other people due to feelings such as uncertainty, caution, fear of failure, lack of trust.

Shyness is not always a transient state that occurs in certain situations. Sometimes shyness can take a long-term form of chronic.


Causes of Shyness


The reason for shyness may be the occurrence of unreasonable fear of people. Any situation in which contact with other people is necessary causes a shy person discomfort and withdrawal. Such a person rarely speaks, does not join the conversation.


A common cause of shyness is low self-esteem and reduced self-esteem, leading to fear of being ridiculed in a social exposure situation.


Symptoms of shyness


A shy person in contact with other people usually remains silent, and if he says something, he usually lowers his voice.

The dominant feeling in such a person is fear, uncertainty and the feeling that you are worse than others. He tries not to make eye contact.

Strong emotions also affect the appearance of somatic symptoms such as trembling hands, dry mouth, redness, a feeling of tightness in the stomach, sweating.


How to deal with shyness?


It is important to avoid contact with people despite the discomfort. Such behavior will only strengthen shyness. A necessary element to help overcome shyness is to determine in which situations this feeling most often occurs.


A very good solution is to participate in assertiveness and self-presentation trainings that will help you develop behaviors that facilitate communication with other people.


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