


Sexoholism is sex addiction. It belongs to the so-called behavioral addictions.


An addicted person treats sex as the most important aspect of his life. Sexoholism manifests itself in the need for a significant frequency and diversity of sexual activity.


Symptoms of sexoholism


The first signs of sexoholism are frequent masturbation, imagining sexual relations, and watching pornographic movies.


In the next stage, all actions of an addicted person are reduced to initiating sexual contact, even with random people.

The patient loses control of his own drive and strives for physical contact at all costs.


Causes of sexoholism


Sexoholism, like other types of addiction, involves giving yourself pleasure. The voltage accumulated in the body is temporarily reduced.


Often people addicted to sex come from families with addiction to alcohol or drugs.


Sexo-holism may co-occur with depression, and seeking body contact with another person may be an attempt to find support.


Sexoholism treatment


In the first stage of treatment, complete withdrawal is usually used.


Because this addiction is specific because it is not associated with the cessation of sex throughout life (as in the case of alcohol or drugs) the next stage of treatment is to restore a healthy sex life.

To this end, you should go to a psychiatrist or psychologist qualified in the field of behavioral addiction therapy.   


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist, Kraków

Jestem absolwentką psychologii (dyplom UJ nr 1112833), certyfikowaną specjalistką psychoterapii uzależnień (certyfikat PARPA nr 2281), a także certyfikowaną psychoterapeutką poznawczo-behawioralną (certyfikat PTTPB nr 1795). Pracą w dziedzinie zdrowia psychicznego zajmuję się od 2016 roku.

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Psychotherapist, Coach, Therapist, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, Home visits, Gdynia

Jestem psychoterapeutą i trenerem rozwoju osobistego oraz empatii. Pracuje w nurcie psychoterapii humanistycznej, nastawionej na klienta (skoncentrowanej na osobie) oraz w oparciu o NVC (ang. Nonviolent Communication) oraz terapię TSR.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV