Treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder


Obsessive-compulsive neurosis is one of the mental disorders in which the main symptoms are: obsessive behavior (compulsions), e.g. frequent hand washing, counting, and intrusive thoughts (obsessions).


It usually affects socially maladjusted and very sensitive people.


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms


Anxiety is the main emotion accompanying people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Patient wanting to neutralize the feeling of anxiety performs routine, repetitive activities (washing hands, arranging objects symmetrically). 

These activities sometimes take many hours throughout the day.


Unwanted thoughts may also appear in the course of the disease.

In addition to compulsions and obsessions, symptoms such as trembling hands, sweating, and abdominal pain may also appear.

Often the patient has behaviors unlike him, inconsistent with his values ​​and views.

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder experience very high tension and nervousness, which leads to low mood and a sense of helplessness.


Obsessive compulsive disorder



The most common method of obsessive-compulsive treatment is to combine psychotherapy and drug therapy.  


Behavioral therapy brings good results, during which the patient has to face his anxiety in safe conditions, while prohibiting routine activities.


Another method is psychodynamic psychotherapy , which aims to find the essence of the problem and find the cause of anxiety.


An important element of therapy is family help and support that neutralizes anxiety and tension.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Crisis intervention, Psychotraumatolog, Trainer, Life Coach, Lublin

Jestem psychologiem oraz dyplomowanym coachem, w trakcie kształcenia podyplomowego z zakresu interwencji kryzysowej
i psychotraumatologii. Jestem członkinią Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Terapeutów Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach.

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Support package, Pedagogue, Psychotraumatolog, Career counselor, Libertów

Z wykształcenia jestem psychotraumatologiem, pedagogiem,doradcą zawodowym, instruktorem terapii zajęciowej.Obecnie w strakcie studiów z psychologii spec.psychologia kliniczna i osobowości. Prowadzę konsultacje pedagogiczne dla dzieci, rodziców, opiekunów (

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV