Alcoholism - symptoms and treatment


Alcohol is present in our culture - it is often consumed at family or corporate events, it accompanies many peer meetings. Also film heroes do not shun him. Consuming it in moderate amounts need not be harmful. It is different in the case of addicts.


Alcoholism disrupts everyday functioning, addiction begins to guide the patient's life. Sometimes the addiction is so strong that it impairs relationships with loved ones, but also leads to job loss. The addicted person most often denies - he claims that he is not an addict at all.


Alcoholism - symptoms


There are several symptoms of alcoholism. First, the addict loses control over the amount of alcohol consumed. Despite knowing where a safe dose ends, he continues to drink. The alcoholic is also experiencing hunger - he is struggling with a strong desire to drink. After discontinuation, he struggles with withdrawal symptoms, which include muscle tremor, insomnia , excessive sweating, nausea and nervousness. The addict is increasingly seeking alcohol alone to get away from his problems. Often accompanied by gaps in memory - the patient loses the continuity of events.   


Treatment of alcoholism - how to start therapy?


Diagnosing alcoholism is not complicated, as long as the addict works with the therapist and is honest. The biggest problem is that in the initial phase of addiction, the patient is not aware of the seriousness of the problem.


Treatment of alcoholism is long-term and requires regular therapy. It is worth referring to an addiction therapist or psychologist who will treat you in this matter. There are also closed or semi-open centers in Poland where intensive care can be undertaken. 


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Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Addiction therapist, Support package, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Therapist, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca, Zgierz

Jestem mgr psychologii. Pomagam zarówno dzieciom, jak i osobom dorosłym. Pracuję z osobami w kryzysie psychologicznym, zmagającymi się z depresją, zaburzeniami lękowymi, żałobą, stratą, interwencją kryzysową. Pomagam przechodzić przez sytuacje związane z rozwodem.

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