

Addiction is an acquired, strong need to do something or use a particular substance.

The reason for this behavior is an attempt to reduce tension, which is temporarily discharged through activities that have a rewarding value.


The most common types of addiction are: addiction to alcohol, drugs, medicines, gambling, computer, telephone, sex.

The main effect is a loss of control and putting addiction above other areas of life.


Addiction symptoms:


  • the obligation to take a given substance or perform a specific activity;
  • subjecting your life to addiction;
  • the appearance of withdrawal syndrome after reducing or reducing the consumption of a substance that is felt to be negative;
  • developing tolerance (the need to take increasing doses to achieve the result at the beginning);
  • devoting most of the time to acquiring an addictive agent or to performing an addictive activity;
  • persistent ingestion or performance of activities despite awareness of the negative consequences of such behavior;
  • unsuccessful attempts to quit the addiction;
  • using techniques aimed at justifying one's own behavior while blaming others.


Addiction treatment


The basic condition for treatment is the addict's willingness to get out of the addiction.


Treatment consists of individual therapy aimed at teaching the patient how to deal with increasing tension in a different way.

Group therapy is also often used, which is a great support on the way out of addiction.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Addiction therapist, Support package, Mediator, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Psychodietician, Therapist, Trainer, Life Coach, Arteterapist, for Santander Bank Polska, Jastarnia

44 years old. Behavioral addiction therapist, anthropologist, philosopher of culture, social psychologist, psychodietician. The cognitive-behavioral trend, focused on solutions and mindfulness. After training course of transactional analysis and the theory of schemas.

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca, Poznań

I have the title of expert witness in the field of psychology. I deal with psychological therapy, diagnosis and opinions. Provides opinions in family and divorce matters; medical and jurisprudence.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV