A therapist is a specialist in a given type of therapy, e.g. a psychotherapist, addiction therapist, physiotherapist.
On the Avigon portal you will find a number of experienced and qualified therapists whose thorough knowledge and skills will help you face your problems. Find the right therapist and talk to him online, e.g. about depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, addictions, disorders in children (e.g. ADHD), etc.
Why should you turn to an online therapist?
If you have the impression that your well-being is visibly deteriorating, hinders your daily functioning, it is worth reporting to a specialist.
It is not uncommon for the reason for a bad mood to appear because it is deeply anchored. An online therapist will allow you to reach the source of the problem, name emotions and deal with those that suppress, receive joy or make it difficult to fall asleep. Regardless of the type of disorder, its causes and scale, you will definitely receive help.
Regularly conducted therapy will bring the expected results - you will increase self-confidence, go through a difficult period in life, without experiencing the negative effects of stress and excessive worries. Intimate conversations often arouse uncomfortable feelings, so an online therapist is a great solution in case of shyness. The visits take place via a secure internet connection. You will keep your anonymity and at the same time get the help of a specialist.