Online psychotraumatologist

A psychotraumatologist is a person with medical or psychological education who has completed post-graduate studies in psychotraumatology .


The psychotraumatologist deals with the diagnosis of disorders after traumatic stress in adults, following random events (natural disasters, communication events, floods) and caused by the participation of other people (psychological, physical, rape). The tasks of the psychotraumatologist also include: early intervention after traumatic events and treatment of people with trauma.


Symptoms that indicate a need to visit a psychotraumatologist:


  • recurring, intrusive thoughts related to traumatic experience;
  • problems with the memory of traumatic experience;
  • irritability, hyperactivity, aggressive behavior;
  • deterioration of mood, isolation from the environment;
  • difficulty sleeping.


Areas of assistance of a psychotraumatologist


Crisis intervention


The psychotraumatologist during crisis intervention conducts activities aimed at using all possible resources of a person in need of help (social environment, assistance institutions), so as to facilitate achieving internal balance and a sense of control over his own life. This is the first stage of helping a person experiencing a crisis.


Therapy of people after a trauma


A psychotraumatologist is a person with the appropriate competences to enable him to work with people who have experienced trauma. During the consultation, the psychotraumatologist assesses the symptoms, their frequency and selects the appropriate therapy method. The most commonly used include: EMDR therapy and the extended exposure procedure.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Therapist, Pedagogue, Psychotraumatolog, Tarnobrzeg

Jestem psychotraumatologiem, pedagogiem z 25-letnim stażem pracy, jestem terapeutą pedagogicznym, jestem terapeutą dla dzieci z autyzmem i zespołem Aspergera, oligofrenopedagogiem. Ukończyłam studia magisterskie z zakresu psychotraumatologii na Collegium Humanum w Warszawie.

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Coach, Mentor, Business psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, Psychotraumatolog, Therapist, Career counselor, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, Warszawa

Jestem psychologiem ze specjalnością kliniczną. Ukończyłam pięcioletnie magisterskie studia psychologiczne na Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej (APS). Uzyskałam także certyfikację Terapeuty Schematów, Terapeuty Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Rozwiązaniach oraz Psychotraumatologa.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV