Online psycho-oncologist


A psycho-oncologist is a person with medical or psychological education who has completed post-graduate studies in psycho-oncology.


The main task of the psycho- oncologist is to support and help people struggling with cancer and to accompany them at every stage of treatment. The psycho-oncologist is a full member of the medical team that ensures the highest psychological comfort for the sick person.


Areas of psycho-oncologist functioning




The area that the psycho-oncologist deals with is cancer prevention in the broad sense, consisting in strengthening awareness of the threat of cancer. The psycho- oncologist deals with the promotion of preventive examinations, psychoeducation and organization of events aimed at increasing public awareness.


Help for people experiencing cancer and support for their relatives


The psycho-oncologist supports the sick and cares for the psychological effects of the diagnosis. Accompanies the patient from the moment of suspicion of the disease, throughout the entire treatment process. It changes the attitude towards the disease and, together with the patient and family, develops appropriate methods to help in the fight against cancer.


Psychoeducation of medical staff


The psycho-oncologist deals with the education of medical staff who has direct contact with sick people. It teaches proper communication with the patient, which is extremely important in the process of coping with the disease.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychotherapist, Psychiatrist, Psychooncologist, Therapist, Speaker, Trainer, Warszawa

Jestem polskim lekarzem psychoonkologiem i psychiatrą, Poznaniakiem, absolwentem Poznańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, od 1993 roku mieszkającym w USA.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV