Video test


Error message

Your Internet Browser is not compatible with out Video Call system. Even if the test will pass with success, we do not guarantee that main consultation will also work correctly. List of compatible browsers you can find on our FAQ website

Test is basen on video call simulation with yourself. Please follow this steps:

  1. Clicking 'Wideorozmowa (krok 1)' buttom in left window, the browser can ask for camera/microphone access, which must be given. After doing this action, in left window should be visible camera screen, in right-bottom top of the window.
  2. Clicking 'Uruchom test (krok 2)' in right window. After doing this action automatic video call will take place, which should be answered in left window, by clicking 'Obierz' button
  3. After answering the video call, in right window should be visible camera screen from device.

Check please if in both windows is your camera screen, and if you can hear audio from microphone.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV