Effective online treatment of underweight


Underweight is a condition of the body in which there is too little fat in relation to the demand in accordance with height, age and sex.

It is the result of not getting enough energy from food into the body.


Causes of underweight


The main cause of underweight is taking too little food in relation to the demand, however underweight may also be the result of diseases such as:

bacterial infections, metabolic diseases (type I diabetes), hormonal disorders, parasitic diseases, hyperthyroidism, anorexia, bulimia, food intolerance, depression, excessive stress, alcohol abuse.


The consequences of underweight


The effects of underweight can be:

menstrual disorders, cardiovascular diseases, low blood pressure, anemia, infertility and problems with maintaining pregnancy, decreased immunity, periodontitis, hair loss, dry skin, difficult to heal wounds, worsening of depressive symptoms, feeling cold, depressed mood, lack of motivation for action, rapid fatigue of the body.


Treating underweight


Eliminating the problem of being underweight is associated with increasing the amount of food intake and paying attention to their quality.

It is necessary to eat meals regularly and ensure that the daily amount of kilograms of calories exceeds the daily energy demand.


The best solution is to go to a specialist dietitian for help in setting up a balanced diet. 


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Psychotherapist, Mediator, Pedagogue, Therapist, Wawelno

Praca z ludźmi to moja pasja, którą nieustannie pielęgnuję
i rozwijam.

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z trudnościami życia codziennego, pomoc w podnoszeniu własnej samooceny.

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Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Clinical psychologist, Pedagogue, Psychotraumatolog, Gdansk

Dear Patient ..

I hold master degree in psychology from SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Sopot, Poland.
I completed postgraduate studies in Clinical Psychology at Medical University of Gdańsk

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