

Mental health is a condition that consists of three components:

good health, comfort and maintaining proper social relations.


It is the result of all human activities that contribute to ensuring personal development, self-fulfillment and contacts with other people.


No mental illness is not synonymous with mental health.


How to take care of mental health?


Frequent physical activity has a huge impact on our psyche. A daily 30-minute walk leads to the release of endorphins (happiness hormones). It reduces the level of stress, emotional arousal and increases our creativity.  


An extremely important element in maintaining mental health are interpersonal relationships . Regular contact with loved ones significantly improves well-being. At the same time, it is equally important to look at people around you and reduce contact with those who negatively affect our psyche. 


Taking care of your own needs and assertive communication of their surroundings is necessary to maintain mental well-being. This prevents tensions arising from the discrepancy between your own needs and external requirements. 


Diet can significantly help restore the right mental state. It happens that malaise and lack of feeling joy are associated with vitamin deficiencies. The proper functioning of the nervous system is affected by: B vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and magnesium. It is worth supplementing your diet with products rich in the above-mentioned vitamins and acids. 


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Psychologist, Dietician, Therapist, Psychooncologist, Psychodietician, Gdańsk

Jestem absolwentką Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego na kierunku Psychologia. Ukończyłam studia podyplomowe z zakresu psychoonkologii i psychodietetyki. Jestem certyfikowanym terapeutą metody A.Tomatisa oraz Konsultantem Transkulturowej Psychoterapii Pozytywnej.

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Pedagogue, Goleszów


"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV