Polycystic ovary syndrome


Syndrome Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common diseases related to the endocrine system.

In most cases, it affects women during childbearing, while it also happens in teenagers.


The causes of the disease are not clearly known, however, genetic, hormonal and environmental conditions may influence.


In the course of polycystic ovary syndrome, there is an excessive secretion of androgens (male hormones), which is a direct consequence of ovulation disorder.

Endocrine abnormalities also cause disorders of follicular growth and maturation, leading to ovarian cysts.


Symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome:

  • irregular periods and prolonged premenstrual duration;
  • problems getting pregnant;
  • hirsutism (the occurrence of excessive hair in places characteristic for men);
  • skin changes (acne, seborrhea), androgenetic alopecia, dark keratosis (dark spots on the skin);
  • tendency to gain weight and accumulate fat in the central body.


Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome

Syndrome of polycystic ovarian disease which can not be completely eliminated. Treatment consists mainly of stabilizing and regulating the endocrine system.

For this purpose, anti- androgen drugs and two-component contraceptives are used. The treatment brings good results, which results in the restoration of the ovulation cycle.


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Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Dietician, Psychodietician, for Santander Bank Polska, Poznań

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Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Pruszków

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