Personal development


Personal development is striving to maximize human potential. It is a lifelong process of human, consisting in becoming a better person and improving human life in certain areas. It can take place through such activities as e.g. career development, improving one's qualifications and skills, raising awareness or self-improvement.


In general, personal development improves the quality of life and helps you achieve your dreams and plans.


Practical steps on the path of personal development can be taken at various levels. Some of them are:

  • increasing self-awareness;
  • self improvement,
  • identifying and increasing the use of own potential;
  • developing your talents and strengths;
  • improving the quality of life;
  • the realization of dreams and plans;
  • satisfying one's own ambitions;
  • better organization of time, including working time ;
  • defining and implementing the so-called personal development plan (PDP);
  • gaining of knowledge;
  • improving skills and learning new ones;
  • overcoming barriers to learning new skills;
  • developing social skills;
  • regular assessment of possessed skills (self-assessment);
  • paying attention to skills that are not necessary for success (tasks can be delegated);
  • increasing personal wealth;
  • initiating entrepreneurship or (interchangeably) personal financial autonomy;
  • improving health, including mental health etc.


Personal development may also include helping other people achieve their personal goals. This can be done by performing roles such as, for example, a coach, teacher or vocational counselor.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Therapist, Mediator, Crisis intervention, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Addiction therapist, Home visits, Kraków

„Czynienie dobra jest prawdziwym bogactwem, które pomnaża się, im więcej się go daje.”

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Crisis intervention, łódź

Jestem psychologiem i psychoterapeutą moim powołaniem jest promowanie zdrowia psychicznego. Od 10 lat współpracuję z dziećmi, młodzieżą i dorosłymi wspierając radzenie sobie z emocjami i cierpieniem psychicznym.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV