Motivational coaching

Motivation is the force that drives us to perform a particular action.


Motivation affects the initiation of the task, choosing the right direction for its implementation and allows us to maintain the previously chosen direction.


Motivation allows us to strive to achieve the goal despite adversity or adverse conditions.


Types of motivation


Motivation can be divided into:

internal and external motivation.


Internal motivation occurs when we perform a given activity only because it pleases us, it is compatible with our interests, without pressure and without any external requirements. 

We carry out a given task because we want to, not to get profits.


The opposite is external motivation, which is aroused by requirements imposed from the outside. 

Undertaking the implementation of an action occurs in order to get some benefits or avoid unpleasantness.


Motivation - how to implement tasks effectively


Undoubtedly, the most effective form of motivation is from within.


Actions taken as a result of inducing this type of motivation are consistent with our desires, goals and therefore result in the best efficiency of task implementation.

Arousing this type of motivation also increases the chance of continuing to achieve the goal, even when adverse circumstances occur.


Therefore, it is worth trying to generate internal motivation when we want a quick and effective performance of a given task.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Coach, Therapist, Crisis intervention, Sports psychologist, Crisis coach, Life Coach, Łódź

Zapraszam do kontaktu osoby poszukujące profesjonalnej pomocy w trudnych chwilach. Oferuję wsparcie w sytuacjach kryzysowych, przy problemach z nastrojem oraz gdy czujesz, że Twoje życie mogłoby wyglądać lepiej - razem możemy pracować nad pozytywną zmianą.
Specialist avatar

Business psychologist, Sports psychologist, Trainer, Częstochowa

Jestem psycholożką i specjalizuję się w psychologii sportu i biznesu. Swoją pracę opieram na wiedzy, którą zdobyłam podczas studiów i licznych szkoleń, jak i własnych doświadczeniach sportowych.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV