Psychotherapy for victims of mobbing


Mobbing is an action directed at an employee, consisting in long-term and persistent harassment, intimidation, isolation from other colleagues, and deliberate failure to provide information.


This action results in the employee causing a decrease in self-esteem, professional suitability, humiliation, and ridicule.


Signs of mobbing


Mobbing can take many forms.

These include, for example: ridicule, mockery, cynical behavior, interrupting an employee in the middle of a sentence, shouting, aggression, threatening to lose their job, making fun in the presence of other colleagues, constantly adding new responsibilities, isolating from other employees, deliberately not providing important information, negating our competences , blocking the use of holiday leave.


The effects of mobbing


The effect of mobbing is primarily a decrease in self-esteem, a decrease in self-esteem, constant stress, insomnia, a feeling of being useless, irritability, lack of motivation, the appearance of helplessness, a decrease in mood, the risk of developing depression.


How to protect yourself from mobbing?


If we feel that our employer is crossing borders, we have the right to assert our rights. It is very important to obtain evidence that the employer is mobbing us .


When health disorder occurs as a result of mobbing , we have the right to claim compensation from the employer.


Because mobbing is a long-term process devastating our psyche, it is worth going to a psychologist who will help rebuild self-esteem and self-esteem. 


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Psychologist, Coach, Business psychologist, Trainer, Warszawa

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Psychologist, Coach, Support package, Mentor, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Psychodietician, Therapist, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska, Pielgrzymowice

Masz poczucie, że rzeczy w Twoim życiu układają się nie tak, jakbyś chciała lub chciał? Nie masz jednak pomysłu, jak wprowadzić zmiany, żeby były skuteczne, a jednocześnie nie obciążyły Cię za bardzo? Może ostatnio nie dogadujesz się z partnerem lub dzieckiem albo szefem?

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