Epizody maniakalne - leczenie online



Mania is a mental disorder, which main symptoms are: increased mood, euphoria, irritability, increased psychomotor drive.


A person who is in a state of mania has the feeling that nothing bad is happening to her because her mood is very good.

He does not consider it necessary to use any help and reacts with anger and aggression to attempts to persuade her to undergo treatment.


A person in mania is not able to control his behavior, he can do risky or illegal things.

It may also have a tendency to behave completely unlike this person (e.g. excessive drinking of alcohol, spending money).


You may also have delusions.


Causes of mania


The main cause of mania is an increase in serotonin and noradrenaline activity (this is the opposite of depression).


Manic episodes may also appear in the treatment of depression using antidepressants.


Signs of mania:


  • no inhibitions;
  • constant race of thoughts, problems with concentration of attention;
  • increased psychomotor drive;
  • logorrhea;
  • recklessness, no criticism;
  • propensity for risky behavior;
  • overstated self-esteem and self-confidence;
  • reduced need for sleep.


Mania treatment


In the treatment of mania, pharmacological therapy in the form of antiepileptic and antipsychotic drugs is mainly used .


Psychoeducation for the family members of a person struggling with mania episodes is also necessary so that they can help their loved one as effectively as possible.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Psychiatrist, Crisis intervention, Zgierz

Jestem lekarzem psychiatrą z dwudziestopięcioletnim doświadczeniem. Pracuję z dziećmi i dorosłymi. Mam doświadczenie w pracy w poradni zdrowia psychicznego, ośrodkach uzależnień, oddziałach szpitalnych, DPS-ach, więzieniu.
Bycie psychiatrą i praca z pacjentem to moja pasja od zawsze.

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Business psychologist, Career counselor, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca, Kiełczów

Czasami każdemu zdarza się, że nie ma ochoty wstać z łóżka, że lęk utrudnia podjęcie działania, że negatywne myśli nie dają się wyrzucić z głowy, że trudno jest poradzić sobie z silnymi emocjami.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV