Hypochondrial neurosis - causes, symptoms and treatment


Hypochondriac disorders can be distinguished among neurotic disorders. They are characterized by excessive care for their own health - a person suffering from hypochondria is stuck in the constant belief that he is seriously ill, despite the absence of illness. 


Hypochondria are referred to when the neurotic state persists for at least 6 months. Characteristically, people struggling with hypochondria are often convinced that their disease has not yet been detected. This conviction does not change even the correct test results and doctors assurance of the absence of the disease.  


Hypochondria - symptoms


The most important symptoms of hypochondria include:


  • palpitations and chest pain;
  • headaches;
  • problems with nutrition and sleeping, resulting from worrying about health;
  • certainty about being seriously ill;
  • excessive interest in the functioning of the human body;
  • better mood when staying among patients than among healthy people.


Hypochondria may turn out to be so serious that it excludes normal functioning in society. Then it is very important to use the professional help of a psychotherapist as soon as possible.  


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