Educational problems with children


We can define educational problems as abnormal, persistent and not changeable behavior using standard educational methods.


Educational difficulties may concern the child-family relationship, as well as the child-school relationship. These problems result from the child's difficulty in adapting to the requirements of parents or teachers.


Causes of educational problems with children


There can be various reasons related to the family, school or child environment.


Family environment is extremely important in the process of shaping the child's behavior .

Difficulties may be the result of unmet basic needs or observing the wrong attitudes of parents.

The reason can also be in the school environment. A teacher who does not recognize the individual needs and predispositions of the child may affect the formation of irritation and frustration on the part of the student.


Educational problems in school children:


  • physical aggression (getting into fights, scuffles);
  • no interest in science,
  • inability to comply with school rules;
  • truancy, escapes, thefts;
  • aggression (usually verbal) addressed to parents and teachers.


How to deal with a child with educational problems?


In the first stage, the most important thing is to try to find the reason for the child's behavior. Depending on what causes the difficulties, other remedies will be effective.


If it is not possible for parents to find the cause of the problems, contact a specialist psychologist who will help to identify the source of the child's behavior . 


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Support package, Therapist, Crisis intervention, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Zamość

Jestem psychologiem, absolwentką Uniwersytetu SWPS w Warszawie na kierunku Psychologia kliniczna i zdrowia. Specjalizuję się we wspieraniu osób doświadczających kryzysu psychicznego, wierząc, że może on stanowić początek rozwoju i zmiany życiowej.

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Coach, Support package, Mentor, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Psychodietician, Therapist, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, for Santander Bank Polska, Pielgrzymowice

Masz poczucie, że rzeczy w Twoim życiu układają się nie tak, jakbyś chciała lub chciał? Nie masz jednak pomysłu, jak wprowadzić zmiany, żeby były skuteczne, a jednocześnie nie obciążyły Cię za bardzo? Może ostatnio nie dogadujesz się z partnerem lub dzieckiem albo szefem?

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV