Dyslexia - causes, types and diagnosis

The term dyslexia is usually used to describe a range of learning difficulties in both children and adults. Disorders can cover several areas, in particular: problems with correct spelling, disorders in learning mathematics or reading difficulties.


Developmental dyslexia - therapy


Developmental dyslexia is talked about when problems arise since the birth of the child. A specialist can make a diagnosis when the child reaches 10 years old. This does not mean, however, that there are no symptoms that may indicate the development of dyslexia.


It is very important to start therapy as soon as possible , which will not only reduce learning difficulties, but also help the child deal with problems in social life. In the absence of therapy, developmental dyslexia can lead to an increase in the child's learning problems and lower his or her self-esteem .  


Dyslexia in adults - a real problem


Dyslexia is not a disease that can be cured fully. Because of this, not only children, but also adults suffer from it. Sometimes adults are not aware of the reasons for their own counting, reading or writing problems.


In such cases, proper diagnosis and subsequent treatment may contribute to limiting the difficulties, which in extreme cases, if not treated, may result in the exclusion of a person from social life.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Crisis intervention, Adolescent Psychologist, Psychodietician, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska, Gdańsk

Witam, Jestem psychologiem z wieloletnim doświadczeniem, w trakcie szkolenia psychoterapeutycznego. Pomoc i wspieranie innych to moja pasja i spełnienie zawodowe. W swojej karierze zawodowej zajmowałam się organizacją warsztatów motywacyjnych dla osób zmagających się z otyłością i nadwagą.

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Pedagogue, Psychodietician, Trainer, Piaseczno

Jestem psychodietetykiem, psychopedagogiem z 30-letnim doświadczeniem pracy diagnostyczno – terapeutycznej oraz trenerem Integracji Sensorycznej.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV