Shopaholism - therapy and treatment


Shopaholism is an addiction to shopping, during which a sick person experiences unrestrained compulsion to purchase a product or service that they do not need.

In this way, it tends to discharge internal tension, which is temporarily reduced when shopping.


Reasons for shopping addiction


Shopaholism is a type of behavioral addiction, the main reason of which is the inability to deal with negative emotions.

By shopping at an addicted person, there is a decrease in tension and an increase in feelings of happiness and euphoria. The very fact of buying an item or service is important, regardless of what this purchase is about.


Symptoms of shopaholism


  • lack of control over buying products and feeling of internal coercion;
  • a repetitive shopping pattern to reduce tension and improve mood;
  • justifying one's own behavior while blaming others;
  • the appearance of tolerance (buying more and more products);
  • after a momentary euphoria related to shopping, the appearance of guilt;
  • the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms after giving up shopping (bad mood, depression, apathy).


Shopaholism treatment


Shopaholism is behavioral addiction, therefore treatment requires psychological therapy.

First of all, you need to determine the source of tension that stimulates the buying process.

The next stage of therapy is to learn to stop impulsive behavior and restore control over your own life.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Coach, Support package, Pedagogue, Speaker, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, Gdańsk

Pomagam ludziom zrozumieć miłość, aby umieć kochać siebie i innych. Jestem przekonana, że każdy człowiek ma szansę na sukces we wszystkich dziedzinach życia, wystarczy, że będzie obdarzał się miłością, a nie zauroczeniem.

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Therapist, Trainer, Poznań

Witaj na moim profilu. Zanim zaczniesz czytać dalej - nabierz głęboki wdech przez nos, wypełnij nim brzuch, następnie klatkę piersiową - po czym wypuść nosem spokojny, długi wydech, zaczynając od brzucha i kończąc na klatce piersiowej.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV