Psychological help for betrayed people


Betrayal is an extremely emotionally difficult event that is on the list of the most stressful situations in life.

We can talk about betrayal when the rules set by both partners have been broken.


Research shows that for women, emotional betrayal is much harder to bear, while for men, physical betrayal.


Emotional betrayal


Emotional betrayal is commitment, devoting time, confiding, showing concern to another person in secret from a partner. An emotional relationship can last for years and does not have to lead to sexual involvement.

This is a type of betrayal that is particularly difficult for women because it involves diverting the partner's emotional resources to another woman.


Physical betrayal


Physical betrayal is crossing the physical limit with someone other than our partner. In each relationship, these boundaries are set elsewhere, which is why treason can be both sexual intercourse with another person, but also a kiss or a hug.

Physical betrayal is more severe for men than for women.


The consequences of betrayal


The main consequence of betrayal is a loss of trust in the partner. Both women and men experience a decrease in self-esteem and a decrease in self-esteem. Women begin to doubt their attractiveness, they feel useless.

A common effect of this is a crisis in a relationship and thoughts of separation. Before making a final decision, it is worth contacting a couple therapist, because betrayal does not have to cancel the chance for a common future.


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Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mediator, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Trainer, Rzeszów

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Psychologist, Therapist, Support package, Mediator, for Santander Bank Polska, Skawina

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