Therapy of people with Asperger's syndrome


Asperger's syndrome is a developmental disorder that falls within the autism spectrum but has its own diagnostic criteria.

The main symptom is impairment of social contacts.


The causes of Asperger's syndrome are not fully understood, however, it is believed that genetic predisposition may affect its occurrence.

Usually, Asperger's syndrome is diagnosed in preschool. It is more common in male than female.


Symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome:


  • difficulty understanding other people's emotions;
  • child's reactions inadequate to the situation;
  • difficulties in eye-hand coordination;
  • lack of understanding of metaphorical meaning, irony;
  • stereotypical, repetitive behavior, difficulty tolerating changes;
  • difficulties in interpersonal contacts, avoiding eye contact, difficulties in maintaining conversation;
  • sensory sensitivity (sensitivity to touch, sound);
  • high preoccupation with certain subjects.


Therapy of people with Asperger's syndrome


Therapy for people with Asperger syndrome is mainly based on cognitive-behavioral therapy.

During therapy, a person with this disorder learns the importance of emotions, understanding other people and adapting their own behavior to the requirements of the situation. Social skills training is designed to shape the competence of active listening, maintaining conversation and expressing their own opinions.


Because these behaviors do not occur intuitively in people with this disorder, consistent and regular learning is needed to master the rules of society.


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