Angelman syndrome


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychotherapist, Coach, Support package, Therapist, Mentor, Crisis intervention, Pedagogue, Career counselor, Crisis coach, Life Coach, Warszawa

My name is Julita Grodek and I live with my family in Warsaw. I have pedagogical education in the field of teaching foreign languages (ESL, University of Warsaw). I have been dealing with hypnotherapy since 2008, completed over 300 hours of training.

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Coach, Mentor, Business psychologist, Life Coach, Bytom

psycholog, coach, mentor, menager, szkoleniowiec

„Dopóki nie uczynisz nieświadomego świadomym, będzie ono kierowało Twoim życiem, a Ty będziesz nazywał to przeznaczeniem” C.G.Jung

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV