Online treatment of Alzheimer's disease


Alzheimer's disease belongs to the so-called dementia disorders occurring mainly in the elderly, while the first symptoms of the disease may appear much earlier (between 40 and 50 years of age). It is a disease that develops slowly, gradually, without clearly identifying the onset of disease symptoms.


Usually, magnetic resonance imaging is performed to diagnose Alzheimer's disease, which is able to visualize the degree of brain tissue atrophy.


The cause of Alzheimer's disease is the degradation of nerve cells in the brain, especially within the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain that is responsible for memory.


Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease


The main symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include:


  • deterioration of mental performance and ability to adapt to new situations;
  • reluctance to new situations, preferring routine activities and activities;
  • the so-called. children's behavior, fascination with the process of eating, digesting, excretion;
  • deterioration of the memory of recent events, the patient's statements become inaccurate, lack of logic of statements;
  • cessation of personal hygiene;
  • appearance of nervousness, impatience, aggressive behavior (insults towards caregivers).


Treatment of Alzheimer's disease


Treatment of people with Alzheimer's disease mainly involves the use of behavioral techniques that are used to eliminate negative behavior while consolidating positive behavior in the patient. 


Pharmacotherapy is also used in the treatment, which is designed to increase the amount of substances in the brain that are deficient as a result of the disease.


Psychological help for people caring for the sick is also very important , because they are often exposed to high stress in connection with the progressing disease in a loved one.


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