Digestive problems - how to recognize and treat


Problems with digestion are a very extensive group of ailments with a varied ground. Basically, these problems can occur at any stage of the digestive process, during which food travels a long way from the mouth through the esophagus, stomach, small intestine to the large intestine.


Digestive problems should not be underestimated, because often - especially when they occur regularly - they can indicate the occurrence or development of serious diseases of the digestive system. In addition, digestive problems often cause overweight or even obesity, and the problem of losing excess weight can be an additional cause of stress for a person suffering from digestive problems.     


Digestive problems - symptoms


Many symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases can be mentioned, which, depending on the given case, may occur both together and independently. The most popular of them include: heartburn, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms may indicate gastrointestinal diseases such as reflux, stomach ulcers or cancer.


It should be remembered that digestive problems very often have, at least in part, a psychological background and are not entirely conditioned by organic or biochemical changes. Sometimes, as in the case of irritable bowel syndrome, treatment should also include dietary manipulations or psychotherapy. 

Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Pedagogue, Psychodietician, Trainer, Piaseczno

Jestem psychodietetykiem, psychopedagogiem z 30-letnim doświadczeniem pracy diagnostyczno – terapeutycznej oraz trenerem Integracji Sensorycznej.

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Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Crisis intervention, Adolescent Psychologist, Psychodietician, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska, Gdańsk

Witam, Jestem psychologiem z wieloletnim doświadczeniem, w trakcie szkolenia psychoterapeutycznego. Pomoc i wspieranie innych to moja pasja i spełnienie zawodowe. W swojej karierze zawodowej zajmowałam się organizacją warsztatów motywacyjnych dla osób zmagających się z otyłością i nadwagą.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV