

Adoption in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Family and Guardianship Code is the establishment of such a relationship between the adopter (adopter) and adopted (adopted) as between parents and children. As a result, the adopting person acquires rights and obligations towards the adopted person and his relatives.  


The adopted person receives the name of the adopting person. The child to be adopted must be a minor, while the person wishing to adopt must have full legal capacity.


Adoption as a natural process of starting a family


Many families thinking about starting the adoption procedure face similar fear about adopting a child.


However, it should be remembered that adoption is a natural process on many levels similar to biological parenthood, which is based on the formation of emotional ties between the child and the parent. This process, in the case of both biological and adoptive children, brings a lot of joy, but also difficulties arising from raising a young person.   


Psychological difficulties related to adoption


People applying for adoption, or those who have adopted a child in addition to the joy of starting a family, are struggling with many difficulties.


The main doubts they face are those regarding society's reaction to their decision. They wonder how the child will be accepted into the immediate family, but also whether it will be treated well by colleagues or neighbors.  

Another aspect that the adoptive parents must struggle with is the widespread, misconception that adopted children come from pathological families.  


The daily struggle with the ubiquitous myths about adoption makes parents find it difficult to deal with the new situation. A specialist can help with such moments , who will surround the family with psychological help and guarantee the necessary support to the whole family. 


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mediator, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Trainer, Rzeszów

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"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV