

Adolescence is a period also called adolescence, which occurs between the stage of childhood and adulthood. It is a time in which many changes occur simultaneously in a young person.


It is difficult to clearly define the time frame during which puberty falls, but it is assumed that it is the age between 10-12 years of age and 20/23 years of age.


Ailments related to adolescence


Hormonal changes - due to the increased secretion of hormones responsible for the development of sexual characteristics, adolescence may be associated with emotional instability and excessive excitability of the growing child. 


Changes in the brain and its rapid development make the teenager more susceptible to negative environmental influences, as well as extraordinary sensitivity to all kinds of messages about him flowing from the outside. 


Predominance of negative emotions over positive - the child in this period tends to experience stronger than before negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, depression, guilt, shame, aversion. 


Adolescent depression occurs as a result of many changes occurring in a young person, which he is unable to cope with himself. 

Often depression is manifested in the form of reluctance to go to school, aggression, school phobia, sleep disorders, headache, indifference or escape into the world of fantasy.


How to deal with difficult adolescence?


Due to the fact that adolescence is a difficult time for both a young man and his parents, it is worth in case of any doubts about the child's behavior to go to an experienced developmental psychologist who will help parents guide their child through this difficult period.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mediator, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Rzeszów

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"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV