Online trainer


A trainer is a person qualified in a given field, whose task is to transfer knowledge, train, give guidance and influence behavior change.

The trainer has didactic skills and completed trainers' school and courses.


During the training, the trainer transfers knowledge to the participant and influences the development of a specific competence. Designates tasks and exercises, and defines how to perform them. He does not always have to be a practitioner in the field he teaches, but he must have appropriate knowledge and substantive preparation.


Tasks of the trainer:


  • transfer of specific knowledge;
  • teaching specific competences, training skills;
  • taking responsibility for the effect of training;
  • teaching and giving guidance based on learned knowledge;
  • assigning tasks and exercises and defining how to perform them;
  • correcting and controlling the correctness of performed exercises;
  • providing feedback.


Trainer's work areas


A trainer is a person who can conduct training in many different fields. These can be trainings of assertiveness, psychosocial skills, non-violent communication, the art of negotiation, coping with stress or effective communication. The trainings are designed for adults and children. The so-called psychosocial skills trainings for healthy children and those with autism spectrum disorders.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Dietician, Psychodietician, Warszawa

Pierwsza wizyta służy zebraniu wywiadu i poznaniu pacjenta, pierwsza wizyta nie służy do edukowania żywieniowego, nie zawiera analizy badań laboratoryjnych są to usługi dodatkowo płatne.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV