

A speaker is a person who, through his speech, is to influence and influence his listeners.

Usually, the speaker's task is to motivate or inspire to act, but the purpose can also be to inform, advise or bring any other benefits to the recipients.

The speaker is an extremely qualified person in his field, charismatic, who in an interesting way referring to his own experience is able to present his knowledge. Often his speech is based on knowledge in the field of sociology and psychology.


Speaker's work areas


Motivational speaker is an increasingly widespread profession. Such persons are hired to conduct speeches in companies and corporations. Their task is to provide a proven method, supported by their own experience, which is to help recipients succeed in private or professional life. The speaker is a signpost for his listeners and suggests how to reach his goal effectively. Often, the speech is the first impulse to change your past life.


When should I use the speaker's services?


It is worth using the services of a motivational speaker when you feel a decrease in motivation and willingness to act. We are unable to determine the direction in which we want to go and all the solutions do not seem appropriate. A good speaker can get to the heart of the problem and help find a solution.

A motivational speaker can also be a good way to motivate employees and instill new energy into their work.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Support package, Mentor, Career counselor, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska, Rzeszów

Jestem psychologiem, praktykiem dialogu motywującego, a także trenerem umiejętności społecznych. Udzielam wsparcia psychologicznego osobom, które znajdują się w trudnym momencie swojego życia, przeżywają kryzys.

Specialist avatar

Coach, Mentor, Speaker, Trainer, Crisis coach, Warszawa

Certyfikowany Coach/ Mentor Kryzysowy (nr certyfikatu: CMK2/04/IPTK/2021) przez Polskie Towarzystwo Interwencji i Coachingu Kryzysowego. Specjalizuję się w pracy z osobami będącymi w kryzysach relacji partnerskich, małżeńskich.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV