Online psychotherapist


The psychotherapist works through conversation and regular interpersonal contact to improve mental health and the quality of life of the patient. His task is to help the patient deal with annoying behaviors, obsessions, beliefs or emotions and to help build relationships and social skills. He deals with, among others, long-term treatment of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders, eating disorders and e.g. insomnia.


How to handle difficult times?


If you are unable to deal with emotions and feelings, if your well-being has worsened, and this condition persists for a long time and for no apparent reason, if you cannot get involved in social relations, then it is worth deciding to visit a specialist - an online psychotherapist will help you understand the emotions , deal with brakes and locks in your head, regain control of your own behavior. It will change your attitude and help you gain confidence that will restore comfort and quality of life.


Regardless of what problem you report to a psychotherapist, you can be sure that the conversations will bring positive results. This is due to experience, thorough knowledge and commitment of specialists from the Avigon portal .


A visit to a psychotherapist is associated with considerable stress, and often also with shame. Conversations on intimate topics can be embarrassing and cause uncomfortable feelings. That is why an online psychotherapist will be a great alternative for the shy. The therapy on the Avigon portal is done via a secure internet connection that allows you to remain anonymous and discretionary.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Therapist, Mediator, Crisis intervention, Katowice

Jestem psychologiem z doświadczeniem w pracy z osobami dorosłymi doznającymi kryzysu psychicznego. Prowadzę diagnozę i terapię pacjentów ze schizofrenią, Chorobą Afektywną Dwubiegunową, z zaburzeniami lękowymi, depresją czy zaburzeniami osobowości. Współpracowałem z Centrum Psychiatrii im.

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Clinical psychologist, Trainer, for Santander Bank Polska, Pakiet praca, Szczecin

If you find it difficult to make contact with other people, if you are lonely, if you have no close relations, if you feel dissatisfied with yourself and with the quality of your life, if you struggle with fear, deep sadness, shyness, incomprehension, you experience parting or mourning, if you r

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV