Online mediator

During difficult negotiations or disputes, there are many emotions that can hinder the agreement. Many hours or even several days of arduous discussions often do not bring the effect of a satisfactory side to the conflict.


If you want a solution that satisfies both sides, you should think about the help of an impartial specialist.


The mediator is an impartial person who improves communication between the parties and helps mediation participants to develop a solution that is satisfactory to both sides. The online mediator, through a secure internet connection, will help to define the interests of the parties, adapt the needs to the possibilities, achieve a compromise, and consequently establish a favorable arrangement, conclude a contract or cancel the current one, avoiding losses.


Why should you go to a mediator?


Some ask themselves, why do you need a mediator, if you can do everything yourself? First of all, the mediator manages the conversation, meeting, negotiations in such a way that emotions are kept in check and the parties focus on finding a satisfactory solution instead of conflict.


The mediator remains impartial, and his role is to support mutual communication, ensuring that all the arguments are spoken and heard, and that the final agreement is accepted by both parties.


An online mediator will help you resolve a dispute by peaceful means, while maintaining impartiality, neutrality and objectivity. You do not have to arrange mediation in a specific place, use the online service, which also allows anonymity. So if the talks are about sensitive or intimate topics, this form of mediation will definitely be the best. Specialists from the Avigon portal are characterized by, among others experience in conducting business, economic, pedagogical and other negotiations.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Support package, Therapist, Mediator, Crisis intervention, Katowice

Jestem psychologiem z doświadczeniem w pracy z osobami dorosłymi doznającymi kryzysu psychicznego. Prowadzę diagnozę i terapię pacjentów ze schizofrenią, Chorobą Afektywną Dwubiegunową, z zaburzeniami lękowymi, depresją czy zaburzeniami osobowości. Współpracowałem z Centrum Psychiatrii im.

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mediator, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Trainer, Rzeszów

Sprawy codzienne Cię przytłaczają? Tkwisz w toksycznym związku? Konflikty z innymi niszczą Cię "od środka"? Ciągły lęk nie pozwala Ci cieszyć się życiem? Stoisz przed podjęciem ważnej decyzji? Chcesz coś w swoim życiu zmienić, ale boisz się konsekwencji?

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV