Youth psychologist

A youth psychologist is a person with interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of psychophysical development of adolescents.

It is a person who knows and understands the dynamics of changes that occur in the psyche, perception of the surrounding world and oneself, sexuality and turbulent interpersonal relationships of young people.


A youth psychologist often plays the role of a crisis intervention and mediator between a young person and a family - he does not judge, provides support and a bridge in intergenerational understanding.


He is obliged to know the problems and threats that young people face - psychoactive substances, aggression, exclusion from peer group, self-harm, depression. In addition to therapy for adolescents, he should offer help to parents who are looking for contact with their growing children.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mediator, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Rzeszów

Sprawy codzienne Cię przytłaczają? Tkwisz w toksycznym związku? Konflikty z innymi niszczą Cię "od środka"? Ciągły lęk nie pozwala Ci cieszyć się życiem? Stoisz przed podjęciem ważnej decyzji? Chcesz coś w swoim życiu zmienić, ale boisz się konsekwencji?

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV