Memory disorders - online treatment


Memory is a basic mental process by which we are able to collect information and play it back when we need it.


Memory disorders can be divided into qualitative

memory delusions (distorted memories), cryptomnesses (claiming words spoken by someone else), confabulations (filling memory gaps, situations that did not take place)

and quantitative

hypermnesia (ability to remember and recall information to a greater extent than the rest of the population), hypomnesia (slight disturbance in remembering), amnesia (loss of memories from a specific period).


Causes of memory impairment


Memory impairment is most often the result of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, fronto-temporal dementia, hypothyroidism, vitamin B1, B12 deficiency, and multiple sclerosis.


Memory disorders can also be caused by psychological factors such as trauma, mental shock, depression, alcoholism.


Symptoms of memory disorders


Short-term memory disorders are characterized by the inability to recall information from the last hours, minutes. When problems include long-term memory, patients have difficulty remembering events from a few years ago.

Common symptoms are also: concentration disorder, difficulty focusing attention, nervousness, blaming others.


Treatment of memory disorders


The treatment of memory disorders depends on the factor that caused them. In the case of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease, treatment focuses primarily on delaying the development of the disease.

When memory problems are the result of deficiencies, it is necessary to implement supplementation. In the case of alcoholism, a visit to an addiction therapist is necessary.


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

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Psychologist, Therapist, Child psychologist, Adolescent Psychologist, Pedagogue, Home visits, Słupsk

PSYCHOLOG -mgr Mariola Krawiec
Specjalność- psychologia kliniczna i zdrowia
Oferuję terapię dzieci, młodzieży, dorosłych i par.
Zdobyłam wykształcenie psychologiczne na SWPS Uniwersytecie Humanistycznospołecznym

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Coach, Support package, Pedagogue, Speaker, Trainer, Crisis coach, Life Coach, Gdańsk

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Dalai Lama XIV