Mental disorders


Mental disorders are generally various diseases associated with malfunctioning of the psyche. As a result of these irregularities in response to a stressful situation, the body launches non-adaptive behavior patterns that impede daily functioning.


The most common mental disorders include: mood disorders, neurotic disorders, dementia disorders , schizoaffective disorders , eating disorders, personality disorders, sleep disorders, addiction.


According to the World Health Report, about 25% of people suffer from mental disorders over their lifetime.


Causes of mental disorders


Due to the variety of mental disorders, their causes are closely related to a specific disease.

Genetic predisposition, past experience and lack of support in difficult times can affect the occurrence of a disorder.


The predisposing factor for the occurrence of the disorder is a strong stressful situation.

The emerging crisis may cause disturbances in the functioning of the psyche, which, if maintained for a long time, may be a risk factor for mental illness.


Symptoms of mental disorders:


  • depressed mood, apathy, lack of motivation;
  • sleep problems, sudden waking up at night;
  • excessive alcohol / psychoactive substance use;
  • intrusive thoughts;
  • difficulties in interpersonal relations;
  • difficulties in functioning in areas that previously did not cause a problem.


Treatment of mental disorders


Treatment of mental disorders requires a visit to a psychiatrist or psychologist who will help determine the source of the disorder and implement appropriate pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy.   


Rekomendowani Specjaliści

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Wrocław

Pomogę Tobie, poczuć się lepiej niezależnie w jak trudnej jesteś teraz sytuacji.
Interesuje mnie wewnętrzny świat przeżyć człowieka, w swojej pracy słucham ludzi i dostrzegam to, co jest dla nich ważne.

Specialist avatar

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Therapist, Clinical psychologist, Wrocław

Specjalista psycholog kliniczny, certyfikowany psychoterapeuta poznawczo-behawioralny (certyfikat PTTPiB nr 688), seksuolog, neuropsycholog.

"A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility"

Dalai Lama XIV